Dumfries Private Sales Register

Pedigree Beef Shorthorn Bulls - 18/20 months
Can be seen at Annan by appointment
Contact John Thomson 07773 344849 or 01461 500769


160 round bales of cattle Hay
Available Edinburgh area.
Please contact Robert Weir 07885 729495 

ref: RW70
2 Aberdeen Angus Bulls
Pedigreed, registered pure, easy calving and ready to work.
Please contact Robert Weir 07885 729495

ref: RW69
Aberdeen Angus Bull
21 months, pedigreed and registered. Ready to work.
Please contact Robert Weir 07885 729495

Aberdeen Angus Bull

ref: RW68
Charolais Bull
Pedigree, Registered
Easy calving and quiet to handle Ready for work now
Please contact Robert Weir 07885 729495


ref: RW67
3 Beef Shorthorn Bulls
Pedigreed, Registered
18 to 20m and ready for work
Please contact Robert Weir 07885 729495

Beef Shorthorn Bull
Beef Shorthorn Bull
Beef Shorthorn Bull

ref: RW66
2 Charolais Young Bulls
Pure and ready for work. 
1 is 15 months old and 1 is 18 months old. 
Please contact Robert Weir 07885 729495


Charolais Young Bull
Charolais Young Bull
Charolais Young Bull