Dumfries Mart Summer Show & Sale of Prime Lambs
Wednesday 9th July 2014
Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart held their Inaugural Summer Show & Sale of Prime Lambs also incorporating our first young handlers Show & Sale kindly sponsorship by Tarff Valley and Judged by Mr Haig Murray, Dunbia Ltd.
Young Handler Champion Sabrina Smith
with Judge Haig Murray (Dunbia Ltd) and Two representatives from Tarff Valley (Sponsor)
17 Young Handlers & 18 Pairs forward proving a very successful event.
Mr Haig Murray's comments; “It was encouraging to see so many youngsters today at Dumfries. When I judge a young handlers competition having the best lambs is only part of the package, I always look for genuine interest and pride from the exhibitors, not only in their sheep but themselves. It is without doubt always a very difficult decision but today's winner Sabrina Smith of Barmurrie showed for me an outstanding effort, Well Done!”
2nd in the 12-16yrs - Jack Austin, Woodcroft
1st in the Under 12s - Ellen Neill, Upper Tinwald
2nd in the Under 12s - Robbie McGimpsey, Thorns
Young handlers - Under 12's
1st – Ellen Neill, Upper Tinwald - £75
2nd – Robbie McGimpsey, Thorns - £100
3rd Cameron Wilson, Marwhirn - £71
1st Sabrina Smith, Barmurrie - £103
2nd Jack Austin, Woodcroft - £90
3rd Georgina Smith, Barmurrie
Champion Young Handler – Sabrina Smith, Barmurrie
Summer Show & Sale of Prime Lambs
Best Texel - Arnmannoch - £95
Best Suffolk - Annefield
Best Any other breed - Arnmannoch (Beltex) £79
Overall Champion – Arnmannoch (Texel) £95