Dumfries Primestock Report
C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their weekly Sale of Primestock in Dumfries on Wednesday 26th April 2017.
76 Cattle Forward:
Prime Cattle required with buyers needing to fill order books.
Limousin Heifers to 224p J Jardine, Yett Farm and British Blue Heifers to 228p from the same home.
OTM Cattle – Once again being in big demand for a plainer offer of mainly dairy cows.
Beef cows averaged 132p/kg to 145p/kg and £1242
Dairy Cows averaged 114.3p/kg to 149p/kg and £1319
Per Head
Angus to £1319.90 Glendell , £1036.80 Druidhall/Braco, £979.95 Innerfield.
Holstein to £1242.60 Brownfield, £1139, £974.05 Kirktonfield, £1056 Smallholmburn, £1026.80 Slacks.
Fleckvieh to £1190.35, £1020.65 Slacks
Angus to £1120.95 Slacks
Limousin to £1078 Woodhall
Friesian to £937.75 Drum
Per Kilo
Angus to 145p Innerfield, 144p Druidhall/Braco
Limousin to 140p Woodhall
Fleckvieh to 149p, 133p Slacks
Holstein to 136p, Slacks, 136p Heathfield, 134p, 127p Kiorktonfield, 132p, 127p Barndennoch, 132p 126p Smallholmburn, 127p Kerricks, 126p Netherwood.
640 Prime sheep forward
469 Hoggs: Very mixed offering forward.
140 Hoggs (32.1-39kg) Ave 180.7p/kg to 193p/kg Rigghead
Cheviot to £73.50 Riggheads
Texel to £72.50 Laughtmuirside
Blackface to £70 Riggheads
Suffolk to £69 Barnbarroch
193 Hoggs (39.1- 45.5kg) Ave 177.7p/kg to 198/kg Lanarkland
Texel to £79.50, £79 Lanarkland, £78.50 West Skelston, £77.50 Riggheads, £77 Drumpark, £77 Clydeside.
Suffolk to £76 Lanarkland
Blackface to £73 Riggheads, £73 Drumpark
136 Hoggs (45.6+kg) Ave 162.1p/kg to 196p/kg Pumplaburn
Beltex to £90 Clydeside
Texel to £83.50, £79.50 West Skelston, £83.50, £79 Lanarkland, £81.50, £81.50, £80.50 Skipmyre, £79 Swyre, £79 Kilfaddoch.
Suffolk to £81 West Skelston, £81 Clydeside, £80 Riggheads, £79 Swyre
171 Cast ewes and rams: Heavy ewes dearer on the week.
Cast ewes:
Texel to £125.50, £107.50 Clydeside, £108.50 Hillside, £100.50 Craigieland, £97.50 Capelfoot, £95.50 Cocklicks.
Suffolk to £98.50 Shangan, £89.50 Clydeside
Leicester to £93.50 Hillside
Cheviot to £85.50 Kingside, £84.50 Capelfoot.
Cross to £80.50 Shangan