Dumfries Primestock Report
C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their weekly sale of Primestock in Dumfries on Wednesday 5th July 2017.
88 Cattle Forward:
Prime Cattle: Met a steady trade to 217p/kg for a Charolais x Heifer from Messrs Martin, Horseholm.
OTM Cattle – Meated cows in big demand once again, plainer show of dairy cows.
Beef cows averaged 142.4p/kg to 182p/kg and £1344
Dairy Cows averaged 109.1p/kg to 154p/kg and £1177.05
Bulls averaged 154p/kg to 154p/kg and £1817.20
Per Head
Charolais to £1817.20 Merrick
Angus to £1344, £1311.75, £1192.60, £1109.70 Dalswinton, £1310.40, £1288 Raeburnhead
Limousin Bull to £1332.10 Belzies
Simmental to £1310.95 Newbie Mains, £1276.80. £1254.25 Glenstockdale
Limousin to £1221 Dalswinton, £1119.30 Park
Beef Shorthorn to £1216.80, £1216.60, £983.40 Dalswinton
Holstein to £1177.05 Hardgrove, £982.50, £968.50 Dryburgh £951.30, Ryemuir, £936 Slacks
British Bue to £963.80 Glenstockdale
Fleckvieh to £908.80 Slacks
Per Kilo
Limousin to 182p Park, 165p Dalswinton
Simmental to 173p, 168p Glenstockdale, 172p, 167p Newbie Mains
Angus to 178p, 165p,160p, 159p, 154p(x2) Dalswinton, 168p, 161p Raeburnhead.
Beef Shorthorn 158p, 156p, 149p Dalswinton
British Blue 158p, 142p Glenstockdale
Limousin Bull to 154p Belzies
Charolais Bull to 154p Merrick
Holstein to 154p, 150p, 149p Dryburgh, 133p Hardgrove, 126p Kirktonfield, 126p Ryemuir, 125p, 124p Slacks, 123p (x2) Townhead.
Galloway to 133p Dalswinton
Fleckvieh to 128p Slacks
682 Prime sheep Forward
309 Prime Lambs
Prime Lambs: Lack of numbers lifted trade with heavy weights scarce to average 217.1p/kg and selling to £119 for 2 Pens of Beltex Lambs from W Gribbon, Waterside to M/s Frasers Butchers, Stranraer and R Johnstone & Sons, Annan.
Sale Averaged 213p/kg (SQQ 213.5p/kg)
84 Lambs (32.1kg – 39kg) Ave 218.5p/kg to 285/kg Maryfield
Texel to £90 (x2) Upper Senwick, £90 Park, £90 Maryfield, Lochmaben £90 Maryfield, New Abbey, £8.70 Cameroniam Crescent.
Beltex to £90 Maryfield
217 Lambs (39.1kg – 45.5kg) Ave 217p/kg to 265/kg Cleughbrae
Texel to £105, £104 Cleughbrae, £101 Loaningfoot, £100 7 Cameroniam, £100 Upper Tinwald, £100 Birsc Corrie, £100 Skipmyre, £95.50 Barbush, £95 Cleughbrae.
Suffolk to £92 Netehrhall, £87.50 Corrie Maisn, £86 West Lanegate, £86 Skipmyre.
8 Lambs (45.6kg+) Ave 209.1p/kg to 248p/kg “Waterside
Texel to £119 (x2) Waterside.
285 Cast ewes and rams: Good show of ewes met a very keen trade.
Cast ewes:
Texel to £133.50 Third, £125.50 Glenhowan, £109.50 Kerricks
Suffolk to £116 Netherhall, £99.50 Woodcroft, £94.50 Corrie Mains
Berrichon to £102.50 Maryfield
Blue Leicester to £98.50, £94.50(x2) Barr
Cross to £96.50 Third, £96.50 Kerricks, £89.50 Maryfield, £86.50 Mull of Galloway.
Blackface to £75.50 Woodhouse, £72.50 , £63.50 Blindburn, £61.50 Nunnerie.
Cheviot to £73.50 Castlehill
Texel £123.50 Barrsyard
Cheviot £98.50
Young Handlers Competition
firm held their Annual Young Handlers Competition and Summer Show of
Prime Lambs kindly sponsored by Tarff
10 Young Handlers presented their lambs in a proffesional manner to judge George Somerville and were a credit to themselves and family with Overall Best Young Handler Being 5yo Ayla Craig of Glenhowan Farm. Best Over 12 Handler Jack Graham, Birsca.
Class 1 - Under 12
Ayla Craig, Glenhowan 40kg £107 to G Somerville
Lexi Scott, Maryfield 38kg £90 Fairfield Meat Company
Ella Burgess, Maryfield 38kg £90 Fairfield Meat Company
Billy Mactaggart, 7 Cameronian Crescent 40kg £100 Fairfield Meat Company
Craig Muir, Cleughbrae 44kg £104 R Johnstone & Sons, Annan
Craig Hyslop, Maryfield 34kg £90 Fairfield Meat Comapny
Joel Sanderson, Upper Senwick 39kg £90 Fairfield Meat Company
Arthur Sanderson , Upper Senwick 39kg £90 Fairfield Meat Company
Class 2 – Over 12
Jack Graham, Birsca Texel to R Johnstone & Sons Annan
Ellen Neill, Upper Tinwald 44kg £100 West Scottish Lamb
Summer Show
Best pair of lambs awarded to J Muir & Son, Cleughbrae with 41kg Beltex Lambs at £105 to Fairfield Meat company.
Best Pair of Texel Lambs, Skipmyre £40kg £100 to West Scottish Lamb
Best Pair of Beltex Lambs Cleughbrae 41kg £105 Fairfield Meat Company
Best Pair of AOB Upper Senwick 36kg £76 West Scottish