Dumfries Primestock Report
C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their weekly Sale of Primestock in Dumfries on Wednesday 13th September 2017.
96 Cattle Forward:
Prime Cattle: Met a competitive trade.
Limousin Heifers to 231p from Horseholm and 226p from Shanagn
OTM Cattle: Again met plenty of demand for all classes. Plainer show forward.
40 Beef cows Averaged 126.2p/kg to 153p/kg and £1145.50
45 Dairy Cows Averaged 109p/kg to 154p/kg and £1016.40
Per Head
Limousin to £1145.50 Marr, £1117.20 Riggheads
Luing to £1080, £962.50 Craigdarroch, £999, £993.85 Kirkland.
Stabiliser to £1079.20, £979.80 Riggheads
Simmental to £1071 Palaceknowe, £952 Millhill
Holstein to £1016.40 Ryemuir, £950 Bruntshield, £903 Larglea
Angus to £1059.50 Marr, £1041.90 Druidhall/Braco, £1029.50 Riggheads, £944.30 Maryfields
Fleckvieh to £917.70 Slacks
Friesian to £900.90 Drum
Ayrshire to £861.40 Ryemuir
Per Kilo
Holstein to 154p Ryemuir, 145p Dryburgh, 140p Larglea, 12p Bruntshield, 120p Boreland
Simmental to 153p Palaceknowe, 136p Millhill
Stabiliser 152p, 138p Riggheads
Limousin 152p Riggheads 145p Marr
Angus to 145p Riggheads, 138p, 131p Druidhall/Braco, 133p Maryfield, 130p Marr
Luing 139p, 135p, 130p Kirkland, 135p Craigdarroch.
Fleckvieh to £133p Slacks
Friesian to 118p, 117p Drum
Ayrshire to 118p Ryemuir, 115p Townhead
1861 Prime Sheep forward:
1091 Prime Lambs: Trade similar to last week with demand for lambs with flesh.
142 Lambs (32.1kg – 39kg) Ave 162.1p/kg to 192p/kg Archbank
Texel to £75 Archbank , £71 Old Mill Farm, £69 Roughside, £67 Hall
Blackface to £51.50 Auchenbrack
766 Lambs (39.1kg – 45.5kg) Ave 169p/kg to 200p/kg Netherton
Beltex to £90 Netherton, £82.50 Hillhead.
Texel to £81, £80.50 Netherton, £79.50 Eastside, £79 Skipmyre, £76.50 East Polquhirter, £76.50 Slacks, £76 Auchenfad.
Suffolk to £76.50 Slacks, 76 Abune The Brae
Cross £69 Arndarroch
183 Lambs (45.6kg+) Ave 169.5p/kg to 183p/kg Bridgestone
Texel to £85 Sandilands, £81.50 Hillhead, £81.50 Burnhead, £81.50 Auchenfad, £81 Newmains, £80 Nether Garrel, £80 Upper Tinwald.
Beltex £84 Bridgestone
Suffolk to £82.50 Swyre, £81.50 Burnhead
770 Cast ewes and rams:
Texel to £108.50 Midlock, £107.50 Woodcroft, £105.50 Kerricks, £104.50 Hillhead, £104.50 Eastside.
Suffolk to £97.50 Sunnyhill, £86.50 Palaceknowe, £77.50 Bankswood.
Cheviot to £86.50 Burn, £82.50 Archbank
Cross £85.50 Netherhall
Blackface to £83.50 Glenkiln, £51.50 Over Abington, £49.50 Hall of Drumpark.
Suffolk to £105.50 Hall of Drumpark
Texel to £82.50 Hall of Drumpark,
Cheviot to £75.50 Archbank