Dumfries Primestock Report
C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their weekly Sale of Primestock in Dumfries on Wednesday 20th September 2017.
58 Cattle forward:
Prime Cattle: To 234p for a Limousin x Heifer from Pendicle to local butcher R Johnstone & Son.
OTM Cattle: Comprised a plainer entry of all classes resulting in averages being less.
Beef cows Averaged 122.7p/kg to 148p/kg
Dairy Cows Averaged 94.5p/kg to 148p/kg
Per Head
Angus to £1286.25, £1027.50 Raeburnhead, £1029, £1004.30 Netherhall
Limousin to £1013.80 Skipmyre, £995.60 Minnydow, £924 Carsegowan
Holstein to £924 Riggheads
Friesian to £823.90 Drum
Per Kilo
Limousin to 148p Skipmyre, 137p Midtown, 131p Mains of Minnydow
Angus to 147p, 137p Raeburnhed, 147p Netherhall
Holstein to 126p, 115p Upper Portrack120p, 110p Riggheads
Beef Shorthorn to 118p Airds of Balcary
Jersey 115p Linns
Shorthorn to 111p Linns
Friesian to 109p Drum
1585 Prime sheep forward:
1009 Prime Lambs:
193 Lambs (32.1kg – 39kg) Ave 164.6p/kg to 185p/kg Heithat
Beltex to £68.50 Dollard
Texel to £68.50 Dollard
Charollais to £64.50 Meikle Barncleugh
677 Lambs (39.1kg – 45.5kg) Ave 168p/kg to 181p/kg Dollard
Texel to £76.50, £75 Druidhall/Braco, £75.50 (x2) Glenlaugh, £75.50 Dollard, £74.50 Eastside (Ferguson), £74.50 (x2) Wallaceton
Suffolk to £73.50 Hastingall
Charollais to £72.50 Hayfield
Beltex to £72.50 Netherton
139 Lambs (45.6kg+) Ave 169.6p/kg to 177p/kg Roshglen
Suffolk to £85 Druidhall/Braco, £75 Hayfield
Texel to £85 Wallaceton, £84.50, £83.50, £83, £81.50 Eastside (Ferguson), £83.50 Druidhall/Braco, £78.50 Newhope.
576 Cast ewes and rams:
Texel to £95.50 Netherton, £94.50 Druidhall/Braco, £87.50 Netherton.
Suffolk to £85.50 Rigghead, £84.50 Druidhall/Braco, £82.50 Low Kirkbride.
Cross to £75.50 to Netherton, £72.50 Druidhall/Braco, £71.50 Roshglen.
Charollais to £75.50 Burrance of Courance.
Cheviot Mule to £68.50 Druidhall/Braco.
Cheviot to £57.50 Druidhall/Braco, £53.50 Dressertland, £53.50 Craiglearen.
Lleyn to £57.50 Auchencheyne, £53.50 Bramble Agriculture,£49.50 Auchencheyne.
Blackface to £46.50 Sweetbit, £38.50 Grove, £38.50 Sweetbit.
Texel Ram to £114.50 Hall Farm.