Airies Texel Production Sale Report
C&D Auction Marts held a production sale of 68 Stock Texel Ewes and 38 Stock Texel Gimmers on behalf of J. Douglas and Family on Friday 23rd September 2022.
Kirrin Beckham sired ewe - £720
The unpampered, grass fed, naturally presented females created plenty of attention with on line bidding. All lots sold with ease. Leading price of £720 was obtained for a 1 crop Kirrin Beckham sired ewe catching the eye of enthusiast, R. Stodart, Forfar.
Airies Crusader sired gimmer - £500
Airies Dakota sired gimmer - £500
Gimmers sold to £500 on two occasions firstly for an Airies Cruiser Sire to W J Boyd, Cambuslang secondly for Airies Dakota gimmers to R J Stodart.
Gimmers Ave £305.56
Ewes Ave £254.21
Texel Ewes- £720 £460 £440 x2 £380 Mains of Airies
Texel Gimmers - £500 x2, £420 £380 x4 Mains of Airies