Dumfries Store Cattle Sale Report

C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their fortnightly sale of Store Cattle in Dumfries on Monday 4th March 2019.

202 Store Cattle: Another large attendance of local and distant buyers present with trade exceeding vendors expectations.

128 Bullocks Ave 208.5p/kg to 242.7p/kg and £1195

68 Heifers Ave 195.7p/kg to 241p/kg and £1155

6 Bulls Ave 221.1p/kg to 237.8p/kg and £900

Bullocks – Per Head

Limousin to £1195, £1070, £1045 Netherhall, £1105 Shawhill, £1070, £1035, £1030 Herries, £1070 Shenrick, £1070 Boreland, £1030 High Auchneel

Angus to £1195 Netherhall, £1000 Sunnyhill, £1000 High Auchneel

Luing £1080 Crosslee, £1060 Aucnecheyne

Charolais £1060 Aucnecheyne, £1015 Netherhall, £990 Cormaddie

British Blue to £1045 Shenrick, £1005 High Auchneel

Hereford to £995 High Auchneel

Belted Galloway to £990 Boreland

Shorthorn to £965 Shawhill

Simmental to £940 Cormaddie

Montbelliarde to £790 Gimmenbie

Heifers Per Head

Charolais to £1155, £1055 Netherhall, £1040, £955 Auchencheyne, £1005 High Auchneel, £980 Meikle Barncleugh

British Blue to £1005 High Auchneel, £935 Gimmenbie

Limousin to £1020 Shenrick, £1000 Powhillon, £980 Ballaggan, £940 Meikle Barncleugh

Angus to £965 High Auchneel

Hereford to £920 High Auchneel

Bulls Per Head

Limousin to £900 Sunnyhill.