Dumfries Store & Breeding Cattle Sale Report
C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their fortnightly sale of store cattle in Dumfries on Monday 6th September 2021.
381 Forward: Once again a full ringside of buyers were present with trade easily upholding recent values.
216 Bullocks averaged 232.5p/kg to 292.5p/kg and £1370
165 Heifers averaged 223p/kg to 273.3p/kg and £1375
Angus Heifers 15 months old from J Harkness and Son Netherhall Farm sold for £1020 per head
Bullocks per head – BB - £1370 £1305 Landis. Lim - £1360 £1115 Midtown, £1320 £1140 High Auchneel, £1305 £1300 £1130 Belridding, £1190 Park, £1110 Lantonside. Sim - £1245 £1200 £1110 £1095 Dunbae, £1085 Millhill. AA - £1195 Park, £1120 High Auchneel. Char - £1165 Mosside, £1085 Millhill. Here - £1150 High Auchneel, £1035 Baltersan. Fleck - £990 Fauldie. Montbelliarde - £990 Park. Short - £910 Dunbae.
Heifers per head – Char - £1375 Hartbush, £1140 £1100 £1070 Mosside, £1100 Shenrick, £1060 Millhill. BB - £1340 £1225 Landis. Lim - £1270 £1180 x3 High Auchneel, £1230 Hartbush, £1120 Dunbae, £1095 £1090 Lantonside, £1080 Shenrick. AA - £1230 High Auchneel, £1125 £1070 Shenrick, £1100 Dunbae, £1100 x2 North Bowerhouses, £1020 Netherhall. Short - £1180 High Auchneel. Sim - £1160 High Auchneel, £1160 Lantonside, £1095 Dunbae, £1090 Hartbush.
Bullocks per kilo – Lim – 272.5p Ballaggan. Char – 261.4p Millhill. Sim – 261.4p Millhill. AA – 256.3p Dressertland.
Heifers per kilo – Lim – 273.3p Hartbush. Char – 261.9p Hartbush. Sim – 248.9p Dunbae. BB – 231p Landis. AA – 227.3p Shenrick.