Dumfries Store & Breeding Cattle Sale Report
C&D Auction Marts held their fortnightly sale of Store Cattle in Dumfries on Monday 5th August 2024.
200 forward. Another full ringside of buyers was in attendance. A sharp trade for a mixed show.
Charolais Cross Heifers from B M Ramsay, High Auchneel sold to £1580 and to 351.2p/kg from S Ewart & Son, Belridding.
Bullocks sold to £1520 for Aberdeen Angus Crosses from F R Henderson & Son, Kirkbride and to 321.6p/kg from R B Ferguson & Co, Killervan.
Bulls sold to £1560 from from J B Paterson & Co, Hartbush and to 321.6p/kg also from J B Paterson & Co, Hartbush.
Bullocks Per Head
Limousin - £1520 Kirkbride, £1440 (x2) Hartbush, £1380 Upper Moor
Aberdeen Angus - £1480 Kirkbride, £1460 & £1400 Fardingjames,
£1410 Whitecroft Mains, £1380 Backburn, £1380 Upper Moor,
£1370 Highlaw
Wagu - £1480 Bleatchfield
Charolais - £1460 High Auchneel, £1400 Millhill
Simmental - £1440 (x2) Hartbush
Fleckvieh - £1400 Uppermoor
Longhorn - £1390 Backburn
British Shorthorn - £1320 Uppermoor
Holstein - £1270 Balnagleck
Friesan - £1110 Balnagleck
Heifers Per Head
Charolais - £1580, £1410 & £1400 (x2) High Auchneel
Limousin - £1510 Belridding, £1460 Newbarn
Simmental – £1430 Millhill, £1400 High Auchneel
Aberdeen Angus - £1420 High Auchneel, £1310 Highlaw
Norwegian Red - £1420 High Auchneel
British Blue - £1400 Upper Moor
Longhorn - £1180 Backburn
Inra 95 - £1100 Whitespots
Bulls Per Head
Simmental - £1560 Hartbush
Limousin - £1500 Hartbush