Longtown Primestock Sale Report

The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward 26 prime cattle, 3 young bulls, 52 over thirty month cattle, 3,099 prime hoggs and 5,961 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 16th January 2014.

A similar show of prime cattle saw trade follow national trend with a top price of 224.5p for a Limousin heifer shown by D.J. Garthwaite & Son, Wyseby Hill Cottage.

Principal Prices (per kilo)


Limousin 207.5p Low Hallburn.


Limousin 224.5p, 217.5p Wyseby Hill Cottage, 217.5p (x2) Low Hallburn, 215.5p Campingholm, 214.5p Houghton House, 213.5p Wyseby Hill Cottage, 212.5p Houghton House.

Charolais 203.5p, 201.5p Sceughdyke.

Saler 203.5p Sceughdyke.

Principal Prices (per head)


Limousin £1,211 Houghton House, £1,163 Low Hallburn, £1,158 Houghton House, £1,141 Low Hallburn, £1,137 Sceughdyke, £1,131 Wyseby Hill Cottage, £1,127 Campingholm, £1,110 Wyseby Hill Cottage.

Charolais £1,221, £1,119 Sceughdyke.

Saler £1,221 Sceughdyke.

All Black & White bulls over 16 months and sold to recent rates. Top to 160.5p shown by Messrs R. Byers & Son, Woodslee.

Principal Prices (per kilo).

Black & White 160.5p, 150.5p Woodslee.

Principal Prices (per head)

Black & White £1,059 Woodslee.

A large show of 52 cast cows forward with many hill cows on offer and a shortage of big meat cows. Top price to 163.5p, 155.5p and 150.5p for Limousin cows from W.H. & D.A. Gass, Nunscleugh.

Principal Prices (per kilo)

Limousin 163.5p, 155.5p, 150.5p, 150.5p Nunscleugh, 133.5p Morley Hill, 129.5p Catslackburn, 123.5p, 114.5p Morley Hill, 105.5p Blakelaw, 103.5p Morley Hill, 100.5p Bleatarn.

British Blue 133.5p, 114.5p Morley Hill.

Galloway 130.5p Grainbrow.

Angus 108.5p (x2), 105.5p Sorbie.

Luing 107.5p Geltsdale, 101.5p Branxholm Braes.

Simmental 105.5p Branxholm Braes.

Saler 100.5p Girnwood.

Blue Grey 100.5p, 93.5p Catslackburn.

Principal Prices (per head)

Limousin £1,468, £1,242, £1,096 Nunscleugh, £1,041 Morley Hill, £1,010 Catslackburn, £1,000 Nunscleugh, £759 Morley Hill, £728 Bleatarn, £704 Morley Hill.

Galloway £978 Grainbrow.

British Blue £961 Morley Hill, £706 Blakelaw, £704 Morley Hill.

Black & White £757 The Stubb.

A smaller show of 3,099 prime hoggs (409 lightweights) were forward to the usual ringside of buyers, numbers were short of buyers requirements due to a very sticking trade all week, especially for heavyweight lambs, resulting in a much better trade than anticipated. The overall sale average of 184.9p per kilo (SQQ 188.7p per kilo). Top was £109 per head for Texels from W.S. Robson & Co., Yatesfield with a top per kilo of 274p for Texels from Keith Farm.

Principal Prices (per head)

Texel £109 Yatesfield, £107, £98 Keith Farm, £98 Cowcorse, £97 Commonside, £96 Sleetbeck and Thornthwaite Close.

Suffolk £98 Commonside, £93 Sleetbeck, £89 Cowcorse, £86.50 High Wreay and Tarrasfoot, £86 Smalmstown.

Beltex £96, £86 Whitehill Cottage, £85 Cowcorse.

Charollais £94, £86 Leaona Villa, £82 Sceughdyke, £81 Tinnis Hall, £80 Shield Green.

North Country Cheviot £85 Keith Farm, £80 Roughet Hill, £77 Halket Leaths, £75 Commonside and Twislehope.

Leicester £80 Yatesfield, £69 Peasemyres, £68 Whiteside.

Hill Cheviot £79 Upper Cullernie, £75 Halket Leathes, £73 Damhead, £72 North House, £70 Damhead.

Greyface £79 The Flatt, £78.50 Houghton House, £75 Ravenwood Cottage, £74 Newtown.

Blackface £77 Yatesfield, £76 Whiteside and Barlaes, £75 Meggethead, £74 Silloans, £73.50 Roughet Hill.

Cheviot Mule £72 Gospel Hall, £60 New Hall.

Kerry Hill £69 Marygate.

Lleyn £67 Girdstingwood.

Easycare £67 Whitcastles.

Swaledale £64 Hesleywell.

Principle Prices (per kilo)

Texel 274p Keith Farm, 259p Thornthwaite Close, 258p, 244p Keith Farm, 238p Low Lonning, 236p Keith Farm, 231p Netherplace, 230p Keith Farm, 227p Cadgillhead.

Beltex 236p Cowcorse, 220.5p, 213p Whitehill Cottage, 193p Beck View.

Charollais 216p Higher Grenofen, 193p Keith Farm, 190p Braithwaite Hall, 189p Smalmstown, 188p Keith Farm, 186p Shield Green.

Hill Cheviot 207p Cowcorse, 194p Linhope, 188p Upper Cullernie and Halket Leaths, 184p Twislehope.

Suffolk 193p Keith Farm, 192p Shield Green, 191p North House, 190p Grainhead, 188p Tarrasfoot.

Blackface 191p, 190p Silloans, 188p Chaplehope, 185p Smalmstown, 182p Whiteside, Silloans and Linhope, 181p Barlaes, 179p Whiteside.

North Country Cheviot 188p Commonside, 186p Roughet Hill, 185p Keith Farm, 179.5p Commonside.

Greyface 183p Whiteside, 181p Sleetbeck, 177p The Hollows, 176p High Parkfoot, 174p Peasemyres, 173p Shankfieldhead, Low Eals and Braithwaite Hall.

Swaledale 177p Peasemyres, 173p Hesleywell.

Lleyn 176p Girdstingwood.

Herdwick 173p Ashley Park.

Easycare 163p Whitcastles.

Kerry Hill 160p Marygate, 158p Whitcastles.

Leicester 153p Peasemyres.

A similar show of 5,961 cast ewes and rams were forward to a smaller ring of buyers, horned ewes dearer on the week with fewer numbers forward and more demand, heavy ewes and good lean selling ewes sold at recent rates. A large show of tups resulted in an easier trade on the week.

Heavy ewes to £133 for Texels from Howgillside, £128 Crailloch, £120 Eastside; Beltex £102 Waterside; Charollais £90 Thackwood, £75 Hill Farm, £70 Blackhamilton; Suffolk £88 Hermiston, £86 Borthwick Brae, £84 Shankbridge End; Greyface £88 Milton Mains, £60 Hill Farm, £59 Shankbridge End; North Country Cheviot £83, £77 Lythmore, £77, £72 Hownam Grange; Leicester £78 Soonhope, £70 Middle Dukesfield, £66 Bog House; Cheviot Mule £77 Barnglies, £73 Keith Farm, £70 Quarryside; Half Bred £76 Wester Middleton, £65 Cowcorse; Zwartbles £64 Broomhills, £57 Cowcorse; Romney Marsh £52 Hill Farm; Dorset £50 Hill Farm.

Light ewes to £56 for Cheviots from Pityot, £49 Barnglies and Cardewlees, £47 Cowcorse; Lleyn £52 Marygate, £44 Snowsgreen; Blackface £49 Crowhall, £48 Yatesfield, £47 Whiteside and Pityot; Easycare £48 Hill Farm; Swaledale £44 The Flatt and Spoutbank, £43 Chapel Farm, £41 Coldshield; Jacob £43 Hill Farm; Shetland £40 Hill Farm, £36 Upper Cullernie; Herdwick £37 Woodleigh.

Rams to £108 for Texels from Haithwaite, £104 Tercrosset and Stotsfold, £102 Eastside; Suffolk £100 Hassendean, £87 Lythmore, £80 Chapel Farm; Leicester £92 Cowcorse, £84 Eastside, £78 Yatesfield; Beltex £90 Whitehill Cottage, £87 Hopesyke; Charollais £89 Peasemyres, £87 Woodleigh, £78 Blackhamilton; North Country Cheviot £86 Hownam Grange, £70 Keith Farm, £64 Whitchesters; Border Leicester £72 Lythmore; Hill Cheviot £71 Skelfhill, £70 Chapel Farm, £66 Priesthaugh; Blackface £64 Upperburnmouth, £58 Snowsgreen, £57 Soonhope; Swaledale £54 Stotsfold, £45 Coldshield, £40 Sunday Sight; Romney Marsh £50 Hill Farm.


Medium to 207.5p (193.6p)
Heavy to 168.5p (168.5p)

Light to 224.5p (206.6p)
Medium to 217.5p (203.6p)
Heavy to 203.5p (186.9p)

Young bulls 160.5p (153.1p)

Light to 207.0p (173.0p)
Standard to 274.0p (197.3p)
Medium to 224.0p (186.3p)
Heavy to 195.0p (169.5p)

Light to £56.00 (£39.77)
Heavy to £133.00 (£59.11)

Cast Rams £108.00 (£62.10)