Longtown Primestock Sale Report
C&D Auction Marts Limited had forward 34 cattle, 1,915 prime lambs and 5,152 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 2nd August 2018.
A larger entry of cast cows with a much improved show of cattle, saw trade brisk throughout and more required to satisfy buyer demand. The sale topped at 167p for a British Blue cow from JP Lee, Morley Hill, Hexham, which also gained the top price per head of £1,219.10.
British Blue 167p, 147p, 134p Morley Hill
Beef Shorthorn Bull 150p Newlands.
Limousin 147p, 144p, 140p, 126p, 121p, 118p Morley Hill, 112, 110p Batey Shield.
Simmental 134p Morley Hill.
Galloway 133p Batey Shield.
Hereford 124p Waterhead of Dryfe.
Beef Shorthorn 115p Waterhead of Dryfe.
Angus 110p, 109p Darlawhills.
British Blue £1,219, £1,051, £955 Morley Hill.
Limousin £1,102, £1,036, £986, £869 Morley Hill.
Beef Shorthorn Bull £1,065 Newlands.
Simmental £984 Morley Hill.
Hereford £849 Waterhead of Dryfe.
Galloway £704 Batey Shield.
Beef Shorthorn £667 Waterhead of Dryfe.
Angus £632, £627 Darlawhills.
A smaller show of 1,915 prime lambs were forward to an increased ring of buyers, best quality lambs were regularly 200-240ppk with commercial lambs being dearer on the week, bucking the national trend. Many more good quality, well fleshed lambs required.
Included in the sale was the Annual Prize Show & Sale of single prime lambs for young handlers and young farmers, which was kindly sponsored by Farmers Guardian & Gilsland Show. Over 40 lambs were presented to the judge Mr Thomas Whiteford, Tercrosset, Brampton, who awarded the following prizes with Overall Champion going to Tom Hall, Baggarah, Brampton with his 46kg Texel lamb which sold at £140 to West Scottish Lamb, Carlisle, with Reserve Champion to Matt Sisson, How Mill, Brampton who also showed a Texel lamb weighing 41kg and realising £105 to R F Stavely Ltd.
Champion Young Handlers - Tom Hall
Champion Young Farmers - Jonathan Wharton
Young Handlers:
Class 1:- AGE UP TO 7 YEARS
1ST – 1015 Jonathan Telford – 45kg £100 to J Gittins
2ND – 1008 Abbie & Emily Stott – 40kg £105 to West Scottish Lamb
3RD – 1003 Isabella Christie – 39kg £100 to J Gittins
Class 2:- AGE 8 TO 11 YEARS
1ST – 1018 Seb Burford – 37kg £100 to West Scottish Lamb
2ND – 1019 Isaac Bouch – 38kg £90 to West Scottish Lamb
3RD – 1021 Lucy Kirkpatrick – 49kg £96 to Farmers Fresh
Class 3:- AGE 12 TO 16 YEARS
1ST & Overall Champion – 1031 Tom Hall – 46kg £140 to West Scottish Lamb
2ND & Reserve Champion – 1034 Matt Sisson – 41kg £105 to R F Stavely
3RD – 1027 Joseph Hutton – 42kg £95 to J Tucker
Gilsland Show also presented bodywarmers to the 1st prize young handler in each class which were awarded to Rupert Burford, Lucy Kirkpatrick and Jake Kirkpatrick.
Young Farmers:
Best Single Lamb
1ST & Overall Champion – Jonathan Wharton – 43kg £110 to J Tucker
2ND & Reserve – Kayleigh Jardine – 38kg £81 to J Tucker
3RD – Hannah Wharton – 43kg £90 to West Scottish Lamb
Best Pair of Lambs
1ST – Kayleigh Jardine – 39kg £98 to J Gittins
2ND – Emma Blaylock – 49kg £89 to J Tucker
3RD - Emma Blaylock – 40kg £75 to J Tucker
Out with the show, lambs topped at 242p from TR & EA Milburn, Wallend, Greenhead and to £107.50 from A Moffat, Stonehouse, Gretna.
Texel 304p Baggarah, 283p Shaw Head, 270p, 264p Wallend, 262p Shaw Head, 256p Cardewlees, Fenton & Segbushwell, 251p Solwaybank Cottage, 242p Wallend, 239p Down by Rigg, 238p Wallend, 236p Pump Cottage, 235p Cardewlees, 231p Brisco Meadows, 230p Wallend, 229p Stonehouse, 228p, 226p Church View, 222p Heathery Knowe & High Parkfoot, 221p Gallowberry & Segbushwell, 219p Longlea, 218p Pump Cottage.
Suffolk 203p Wallend, 188p Hallburn, 185p Carsegowan & Gallowberry, 183p Fenton, Hallees, Borthwick Brae & Hallburn, 182p Olrig Mains & Falnash, 181p Staffler & Borthwick Brae, 180p Westerton Cottage & Barnglies.
Cheviot 183p North House, 180p Westerton Cottage.
Cheviot Mule 183p Falnash, 180p Shawhill.
Berrichon 176p Barnglies, 171p Sceugh Dyke.
Mule 186p Yatesfield, 178p Thomasdene, 176p Yatesfield, 173p Penpeugh, 172p, 171p High Airyolland, 171p Penpeugh & Brisco Meadows, 170p Barsalloch.
Blackface 172p Borthwick Brae, 171p Penpeugh.
Oxford 177p Barnglies, 172p Guards.
Dartmoor 177p Litharge.
Texel £140 Baggarah, £110 Segbushwell, £107.50 Stonehouse, £105 Pump Cottage, Fenton & Shaw Head, £104 Brisco Meadows, £103 Stonehouse, £100 High Parkfoot, Wallend & Cardewlees, £99.50 Stonehouse, £99 Beckfoot, £98 Solwaybank Cottage, Down by Rigg & Wallend, £96 Mill Cottage, £95 Church View & Townfoot, £94 Spoutbank & Cardewlees, £93 Segbushwell, £93, £92 Wallend, £90 Swordwellrigg, Pump Cottage, High Greenhill, Stonehouse & Segbushwell.
Suffolk £90 Ochnigh & Burgh Head, £88.50 Sceugh Dyke, £87.50 Olrig Mains & Hallees, £86.50 Bankhead, £85 Frankstown, £84 Newbiggin, £83.50 Carsegowan, £83 Barnglies, £82 Guardsmill, Falnash, Hallees & Sceugh Dyke, £81.50 Carsegowan, £80.50 Hallees, £80 Staffler, Knowe, Frankstown & Newbiggin.
Cheviot £85 Ochnigh.
Mule £83, £80 Yatesfield, £78.50 Thomasdene, £78 Albierigg, £75.50 Penpeugh, £72 Brisco Meadows, £71 Penpeugh, £70 Bowershield.
Oxford £85 Barnglies.
Cheviot Mule £77.50 Shawhill, £77 Barnglies, £75 Dormansteads.
Berrichon £82 Sceugh Dyke, £81 Barnglies.
The 5,152 cast ewes and rams were a larger entry with more buyers present, trade was much stronger for all classes of stock with 680 heavy ewes selling over £100 to average £116.48 overall.
Top price was £162 for heavy Texel ewes from Messrs J Pate, Craigford Mains, Galashiels. Hill ewes to £82 for Blackface ewes from J Hunter & Sons, The Steel, Hexham and rams to £142 for Texels also from Beckfoot.
Texel £162 Craigsford Mains, £160 Bowsden Moor, £159 Loughrigg, £158 Croft House, £154 Loughrigg, £152 Harehead, £150 Rawburn, £149 Bowsden Moor, £148 Chaseside & Loughrigg, £147 Beckfoot, £146 Drinkstone & Croft House, £143 Woodhead, £142 Loughrigg, £138 Pirntaton, £136 East House, £133 Burgh Head, £130 Braehead.
Suffolk £125 Chaseside, £123 Sceugh Dyke, £121 Drinkstone, £120 Colmslie Hill, Beckfoot & Bowsden Moor, £116 Viewley, £115 Roxburgh Mains, £114 Beckfoot, £112 Drinkstone, £111 Sceugh Dyke, Chaseside & Viewley, £110 Drinkstone, £109 Viewley, £108 Greenend, £107 Copperthorns, £106 Lynegar & Colmslie Hill, £105 Craigsford Mains.
Charollais £122 Croft House, £119 Viewley, £110 Chaseside.
Beltex £116, £110 Great Orton, £103 Maidencots.
Blue Faced Leicester £105 The Steel, £100 Horlsey Hill, £90 Skirling Mains & Harehead.
North Country Cheviot £103 Viewley, £97 Townfoot, £92 Gospel Hall, £86 Solwaybank, £84 Gospel Hall & Harwood on Teviot.
Mule £99 Barn Owl Steading, £94 Mossilee, £93 Hallees, £90 Loughrigg, £89 Sornfallow, £87 Nunscleugh, £86 Moorhills, £85 Craigsford Mains, £84 Langfauld, Copperthorns, Wyseby Hill Cottage, Howpark & Sceugh Dyke, £83 Harehead & Third, £81 Brownchesters, Sceugh Dyke & Solwaybank, £80 Braehead & Kilnhill.
Lleyn £92 Coxhill, £72 Pirntaton, £72, £71 Dolphinston.
Cheviot Mule £90 Colmslie Hill, £86 Sornfallow, £85 Colmslie Hill, £84 Townfoot, £80 Colmslie Hill.
Blackface £82 The Steel, £74, £73 Shitlington Hall, £67 Bush of Ewes & Carrick, £63 Guardsmill, £62 Harehead.
Cheviot £79 Solwaybank, £73 Potholm, £63 Hawthornside, £60 Byers, £57 Falnash, £56 Rawburn & Solwaybank.
Easycare £60 Copperthorns, £54 Coxhill.
Swaledale £60 Southdene, £53 Spoutbank.
Romney £49 Pirntaton.
Texel £142 Beckfoot, £127 Shield Green, £123 Chaseside, £120 Bridge End.
Suffolk £122 Harehead, £118 North House.
Beltex £138 Viewley.
Blue Faced Leicester £108 Skirling Mains.
Blackface £100 Penpeugh, £87 Carrick, £80 Black Mountain.
Light to 186.6p (186.6p)
Standard to 283.8p (191.1p)
Medium to 262.5p (184.3p)
Heavy to 304.3p (179.3p)
Overweight 169.8p (156.1p)
Light to £82.00 (£38.18)
Heavy to £162.00 (£79.87)
Rams to £142.00 (£62.92)
corresponding week 2017 sale report
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