Longtown Primestock Sale Report

C&D Auction Marts Limited had forward 247 prime lambs, 3,222 prime hoggs and 2,355 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 16th May 2019.

Cast cows again selling at recent high rates with a busy ringside of buyers ensuring all classes are in demand. More still required on a weekly basis. Overage Angus bullocks sold to 166p from Messrs McKerrow, Darlawhills, Lockerbie. Galloway cows met a brisk trade to 119p, 117p and 115p from J Ions, High Thorneyburn, Hexham and Beef Shorthorn cows to 112p from AN & HS Tomkins, Hallsford, Hethersgill.

A larger show of 3,222 prime hoggs saw all buyers very keen to purchase hoggs with meat. Top price per kilo of 273p for Texel hoggs from B Storey, New Hummerbecks, Co Durham with many good pens selling between 210-230p. Heavy hoggs again the same with good meat in demand, with a top price per head achieving £120 for Texels shown by W & JW Mews, Glendue, Hexham.

Another good show of hill hoggs sold similar on the week with Cheviots to 235p from A Taylor, Heathery Hall, Lanark.

Lightweight hoggs again a good trade with a top price of 210p (£63) for Texels from CF Dodds & Son, Keepershield, Hexham.

As the season for hoggs gets nearer to an end, leaner hoggs were harder to cash. Overall average 193.2p (SQQ 205.5p).


Texel 273p, 240p New Hummerbecks, 240p Mount Pleasant, 237p Broomhills.

Bel 249p Dundraw, 246p West Farm (Miller), 245p Snade.  

BF 244p Mount Pleasant, 229p, 228p Heathery Hall.  

Cheviot 235p Heathery Hall, 232p Thorns, 231p East Deloraine.  

Suffolk 228p Broomhills, 224p Boreland, 223p Plumpe.

Rous 220p, 212p New Hummerbecks.

Hamp 217p The Mark. 

Mule 214p Mount Pleasant, 211p Maidencots & Megdale

Char 207p Boreland.  

Herd 203p Auchengray.  

Easycare 193p The Mark.

Swaledale 189p Batey Shield.  


Texel £120 Glendue, £114 Eastside, £112 Oulton Hall, New Hummerbecks, Whitfield.

Beltex £108 Snade, £106 Whitfield, £104 Park Nook.  

Cheviot £104 East Deloraine, £96 Longburgh Fauld, £94 Tushielaw.  

Suffolk £100.50, £99 Broomhills,

Rous £100, £97 New Hummerbecks.

Cambridge £98.50 Kirkwood Mains

Hamp £98 The Mark.

BF £96 Megdale, £92 Mount Pleasant, £90 Craig Douglas.  

Mule £93 High Yarridge, £92 Mount Pleasant, £90 Townfoot.  

Char £90 West Farm.

Easycare £90, £88 Coxhill, £87 The Mark.

Kerry £90 Coxhill.  

Lleyn £90 Coxhill.

A larger show of 247 spring lambs on the week sold to average 231p (SQQ 245.7p), with buyers now looking for quality lambs, trade was very good. Top price per kilo of 293p and to £124 for Texel lambs shown by J Marshall, Hermitage, Lockerbie.


Texel 293p, 288p Hermitage, 276p Kimmeter Green.

Suffolk 248p Woodhall, 234p Leapsrigg, 224p Guardsmill.


Texel £124, £118, £117 Hermitage.

Suffolk £112, £110 Guardsmill.

A similar entry of 2,355 cast ewes and rams attracted the usual buyers with late high rates easily maintained. Overall average £81.27, with 374 ewes selling at £100 and over to average £118.06. Again, all classes of lean cutting ewes and best Beltex and Texels sold at extreme rates.

Top of £152 for Texel ewes from Beck with hill ewes selling to £80 for Cheviots from Carlenrigg, Hawick. Texel rams to £140 from Hazel Head.


Texel £152 Beck, £151 Hillside (Stoddart), £150 Beckfoot.  

Beltex £147 Hollins, £136 Whitfield, £134 Bothal Crags, £128 Hillside & Viewley.

Charollais £121 Beckfoot, £114 Upper Auchenlay.

Suffolk £118 Beckfoot, £115 Nether Stenries £112 Beechgrove.  

BDM £108 Eastside.

NCC £101 Kelsocleugh, £94 Golden Lane & Hownam Grange, £90 Guardsmill & Beckfoot.  

BFL £90 Ghyll Brae.  

Cheviot Mule £89, £87 North House, £80 Main Hill.  

Mule £86 High Yarridge, £85 Golden Lane, £82 Eastside.  


Cheviot £80 Carlenrigg, £75 North House, £73 Catslackburn.  

BF £75 Stell Green, £74 Golden Lane, £71 Harelawhill Cottage, Greensburn & Sowerby Wood.  

K Rough £70 Lynnshield

Lleyn £68 Trefrank.  

Jacob £68, £60 Wardrew.

Swaledale £63 Hepplehill, £61 Batey Shield.

Easycare £63 Golden Lane.

Goat £58 Bark House.

Herdwick £54, £51 Orthwaite Hall.


Tex £140 Hazel Head, £122 Viewley, £120 Great Hackworthy.

Suff £100 Beckfoot.  

BFL £99 Roachburn, £91 Whitfield, £90 Chirdon.

Char £92 Lowfield House.  

Cheviot £77 Hownam Grange.  



Light to 264.0p (252.5p)
Standard to 293.0p (244.5p)
Medium to 229.0p (214.1p)
Heavy to 207.0p (182.5p)

Light to 210.0p (161.9p)
Standard to 249.0p (206.3p)
Medium to 273.0p (210.7p)
Heavy to 230.0p (171.6p)

Shearlings to 205.0p (166.9p)

Light to £80.00 (£56.23)
Heavy to £152.00 (£85.63)

Rams £140.00 (£84.22)

corresponding week 2018 sale report