Longtown Primestock Sale Report

C&D Auction Marts Limited had forward 2,008 prime lambs, 689 prime hoggs and 3,815 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 20th June 2019.

A larger entry of cast cows forward and continuing to sell at recent rates. Sale topped at £1,078 for an Angus shown by EAP Glendinning, Over Cassock, Eskdalemuir. Top price per kilo of 174p also for an Angus from Over Cassock.

An increased entry of 2,008 spring lambs saw all classes good to sell. Heavy lambs met an exceptional trade and were far short of requirements, as was the top quality export lambs. Lambs lacking flesh proved harder to sell. Overall average 215.0p (SQQ 215.2p)

Top price per head £126 for Texel lambs shown by G Wilkinson, Arkleby House, Arkleby with top price per kilo of 276p again for Texel lambs from CJ Roots, Kilnford Croft, Dumfries.


Texel 276p, 261p, 255p Kilnford Croft.  

Beltex 238p, 235p Woodhead, 234p Ellerslea.   

Suffolk 237p Barr Hill, 232p The Land, 229p Guardsmill.

Cheviot 228p Longburgh Fauld.      

Char 223p The Wreay, 221p Barr Hill.

Herdwick 212p Stone Barn, 202p Flagstaff Farm.

Berr 197p Sceugh Dyke.


Texel £126 Arkleby House, £116 Mid Upper Priestside, £113 Nunscleugh.

Suffolk £114 The Land, £110 Guardsmill & Third, £108 West End.

Beltex £106, £105 Woodhead, £96 Ellerslea.

Char £102 Sowerby Wood, £100 Ellerslea.     

More hoggs (689) were on offer with the best quality and meat very easily sold, others at late rates. Top price of £90 and 211p for Beltex hoggs shown by S Stoddart, Hillside, Wigton.  

Overall average 166.7p (SQQ 169.8p)


Texel 211p Hillside.  

Bel 194p Golden Lane.  

Mule 194p Pearce Close.    

Cheviot 185p Hyde Park.

Suffolk 174p, 171p Broomhills.  


Beltex £90 Hillside.   

Texel £85 Broomhills & Hill House, £84 Hillside, Mindrum & Ballywilline.   

Suffolk £80 West End, Fern House & Broomhills.  

BF £76 Craigfarg.

Mule £73 Ralphshield, £72 Sykehead.   

The 3,815 cast ewes and rams attracted the usual company of buyers who were desperate for supplies, where all classes sold at record prices with numbers short of requirements. Overall average £87.95 with 911 ewes selling at £100 and over to average £117.10. Again, Beltex and Texel ewes selling at a premium.

Sale topped at £162 for Texel ewes shown by N Woodmass, Foxglove, Brunstock and from A Pirie, Machrihanish, Campbeltown. Hill ewes to £77 for Blackfaces from JW Hogg, Longyester, East Lothian and from DA & MA Teasdale, Grindon Hill, Haydon Bridge. Rams sold to £150 for Texels from Golden Lane.  


Texel £162 Foxglove & Machrihanish, £160 Viewley, £156 Sunnycroft & Beckfoot.  

Mill Bleu £157, £142 Middle Farm.

Beltex £143 Graceside, £135 Hillside, £134 Croft House.  

Charollais £128 Viewley, £125 Chaseside, £122 Heatherglen.     

Suffolk £116 Viewley, £113 Brackendean, £112 Viewley.   

Cheviot Mule £109, £95 High Stenries, £90 Mid Farm.    

NCC £94 Ormiston & Longburgh Fauld.

BFL £88 Nunscleugh & Oakland, £84 Unthank.

Mule £87 Longyester, £85 Broomhill, £84 Longyester.    


BF £77 Longyester & Grindon Hill, £75 Carskiey & Longyester.  

Cheviot £75 Satchells, £74, £73 Blackhaugh.

Lonk £72 Croft House.

Herdwick £68, £60 Orthwaite Hall.

Lleyn £67 Cleongart.

Swaledale £66 Rowanburnfoot, £59 Milescott.

Easycare £65 Blackhaugh.


Tex £150 Golden Lane, £130 Mossburnford, £128 Beckfoot.

Char £111 Chaseside.

Suffolk £94, £92 Mossburnford.

Blue Tex £94 Slealands.

Cheviot £80 Cara View, £79, £72 Blackhaugh.



Light to           237.0p (216.3p)
Standard to      276.0p (216.8p)
Medium to      251.0p (213.8p)
Heavy to         252.0p (220.4p)
Overweight to 214.0p (160.2p)

Light to           186.0p (161.6p)
Standard to      211.0p (172.8p)
Medium to      190.0p (171.3p)
Heavy to         176.0p (158.2p)

Shearlings to   175.0p (142.6p)

Light to           £77.00 (£62.75)
Heavy to         £162.00 (£92.95)

Rams to £150.00 (£80.79)

corresponding week 2018 sale report