Longtown Primestock Sale Report

C&D Auction Marts Limited had forward 10,040 sheep comprising of 6,810 prime hoggs and 3,230 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 16th March 2023.

A smaller show of OTMs forward, yet trade continues at recent high rates with more numbers required on a weekly basis to meet demand. The sale topped at £1,601 for Angus cows shown by TN Cavers & Co., Sorbie, Langholm, who also sold Angus at 183p. Beef Shorthorns to 187p and £1,327 from JDM Thomson, Pilmuir, Hawick.  

Please do not hesitate to contact Sam Hogg 07584 207323 who will be pleased to take your calls - take advantage of the capped commission and payment on the day!

A larger entry of 6,810 prime hoggs were forward, lightweight hoggs and export hoggs in big demand whilst heavies firmed throughout the sale. More hoggs wanted for next week’s sale as trade looks set to continue.  

Top price per head of £156 for Texel hoggs shown by AA & J Brand, Nethermyres, Fife.

Top per kilo of 350p for Beltex hoggs from DS & RC Taylor, Easter Ochtermuthill, Creiff.

Achieving an overall average 247.8p (SQQ 259.3p)


Beltex 350p, 331p, 325p Easter Ochtermuthill, 323p Worstead & Langdyke Cottage, 322p Crawthat, 320p High Greenhill.  

Texel 310p, 295p Worstead, 290p Cottage, 289p High Mossthorn, 283p East Rackwood Hill, 282p Pearsby Hall, 281p Kirkbride & Pasture House, 280p Fauld Farm & Kirkbride.  

Cheviot 300p Dairy Barn, 282p Shethin, 278p Maidencots, 274p Pasture House, 273p East Rackwood Hill, 271p Routin Lynn & Unthank.  

Suffolk 273p North House, 265p Chirdon & Barnsallie, 262p Westernhopeburn, 261p Todsykehead & Third.  

Blackface 291p, 271p Stud Farm, 269p Worstead, 266p Burnfoot & Dairy Barn, 263p Pasture House & Worstead.  

North Country Cheviot 231p, 220p Aimster, 220p Buchtrig.

Mule 286p Killipol, 261p Maidencots, 259p High House, 250p Mains of Collin, 247p Maidencots & Killipol.

Herdwick 271p Ashness, 260p Causey View.   

Lleyn 243p, 240p Stewartfield.

Cheviot Mule 257p Southdean Lodge, 253p Routin Lynn.   

Swaledale 230p Shield Farm, 227p Whinneyknowe, 226p Low Stokoe.       


Texel £156 Nethermyres, £143 Mid Banks, £143, £134 Mesona, £134 Stobshiel Mains.  

Beltex £149, £144, £140 Easter Ochtermuthill, £140 Worstead, £139 Langdyke Cottage, £138 Station Yard, £136 Worstead & Langdyke Cottage.

Suffolk £143 Mid Banks, £124 Plumpe, £123 Lairdlaugh, £120 Routin Lynn.

Mule £132 Becton Hall, £115 Syke Head, £114.50 Camphill, £113.50 Kirkhouse, £113 Dairy Barn.

Romney £125 Barsalloch.

Cheviot £123 Kirkton, £121.50 Nethermyres, £120.50, £116.50 The Land, £116.50 Nethermyres, £116 Becks, £115.50 Kirkton, £115 North House.

North Country Cheviot £117 Buchtrig, £113 Guardsmill.    

Cheviot Mule £116.50 Routin Lynn, £115 East Rackwood Hill.

Blackface £114.50 Yett, £114 Milnmark, £112 Pole.

A smaller show of 3,230 cast ewes and rams forward. All classes of ewes continue to sell well with handy weight ewes and plain ewes selling to increased rates of return. Good lean continental ewes are becoming scarce and are actively sought after for the coming weeks. 

Texel ewes topped at £235 from A & HC Smith, Crumhaughhill, Hawick.

Hill ewes to £110 for Cheviots from WJ Henderson. Whitehill, Corrie.   

Rams sold to £235 for Texels from Killough.

Cast ewes and prime hoggs were again consigned to Longtown from all corners of the British Isles, from Northern Ireland, Devon, Okehampton and Cheshire, the northern counties, Argyll, Aberdeenshire, Thurso and Caithness all to take full advantage of the most competitive ring of buyers in the country. Haulage can be arranged from anywhere so please do not hesitate to contact our auctioneers, who will be pleased to take your calls for all further enquiries or entries.

As ewe numbers have eased nationally, trade is coming up to its peak and customers are urged to offload while the going is good. Quantities of all breeds and classes of ewes are actively sought after for the coming weeks sales as demand is set to increase again. 

John Walton 07880 527 066

Sam Hogg 07584 207 323

Norman Douglas 07786 366 833


Texel £235, £215 Crumhaughhill, £212 Viewley, £208 High House, £205 Eastside, £200 The Land & Stobshiel Mains, £198 Eastside, £195 The Land & Crumhaughhill.

Suffolk £216 The Land, £215 Viewley, £212 The Land, £198 High House, £190 The Land.  

Beltex £185 Spring Hill, £174 Lairdlaugh.    

Bluefaced Leicester £165 Leithenhall, £145 Maidencots.   

Charollais £158 Thackwood, £138 The Wreay.

North Country Cheviot £140 Lythmore, £134 High House, £131, £130 Stobshiel Mains, £130 High House.  

Mule £133 Barnsallie, £128 Eastside, £126 Tetcott, £123 Walton Park, £120 High House.

Cheviot Mule £130 Viewley.  


Cheviot £110 Whitehill, £108 Gorthleck Mains, £106 Unthank, £105 Balmaglester, £100 Yetholm Mains.  

Blackface £107 Mains of Collin, £106 Toft House, £105 Lawston, £102 Mains of Collin, £98 Finnieness.

Easycare £76 Carterton.  

Swaledale £70 Mill of Towie, £67 Spoutbank.


Texel £235 Killough, £215 Mid Banks, £200 Spring Hill.

Suffolk £172 Lythmore, £160 Viewley & The Land.

Bluefaced Leicester £168 Bradley, £144 Holme Head.     

Charollais £162 Killough, £160 Viewley.

North Country Cheviot £140 Stobshiel Mains.

Cheviot £140 Catslackburn, £130 Sundhope.

Blackface £130 Toft House, £128 The Maples, £120 Thornton Tower.  


Light to           303.0p (248.4p)
Standard to      313.0p (261.4p)
Medium to      350.0p (259.3p)
Heavy to         313.0p (229.2p)

Light to           £110.00 (£65.66) 
Heavy to         £235.00 (£109.83)

Rams to           £235.00 (£117.39)


corresponding week 2022 sale report