Longtown Primestock Sale Report
C&D Auction Marts Limited had forward 10,051 comprising of 5,535 prime hoggs and 4,516 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown Mart on Thursday 25th January 2024.
A marvelous entry of cast cows were forward, more quality on offer and buyers keen for all classes. The sale topped at 229p for a Limousin shown by N McBurney, Balsalloch, Ballantrae, who’s run of 10 Irish cows went on to average 208p and £1,395. Beef Shorthorns topped at £1,628 from D & T Bradley Farmer, Wester Parkgate, Dumfries. Numbers are required on a weekly basis here at Longtown to satisfy buyer demand.
Beef Shorthorn £1,628, £1,322 Wester Parkgate.
Limousin £1,524, £1,513, £1,507, £1,499 Balsalloch.
Luing £1,401, £1,290 Lamperts.
Angus £1,396 Low Greenley Cleugh.
Beef Shorthorn 195p, 185p Wester Parkgate.
Angus 190p Low Greenley Cleugh, 189p Archerbeck.
Luing 172p Lamperts.
Simmental 176p Archerbeck.
Limousin 229p, 224p, 221p (x2), 220p Balsalloch.
A much larger show of 5,535 hoggs was forward, all classes in big demand being slightly firmer on the week. Another fine show of over 2,000 hill bred hoggs which sold very well, especially lightweight Blackies and Cheviot hoggs carrying plenty of meat.
Heavy hoggs again proved the trade of the day topping the sale per head at £200 for Beltex hoggs from J & AM Moralee Hardriding, Bardon Mill, Blue Texels from D Brisbane, Little Tongue, Stranraer and for two Bluefaced Leciester hoggs shown by W & PF Walton, Penpeugh, Bardon Mill.
Mule hoggs topped at £150 consigned from D Mclean, Tangytavil, Campbeltown with plenty of pens sailing over £135.
Per kilo the sale topped at 411p for Beltex hoggs from Downie Farming Co., Newton, Ballater.
Overall average 295.3p (SQQ 297.8p)
All classes of well finished hoggs are wanted here at Longtown on a weekly basis to satisfy an ever-growing demand, as numbers increase so do purchasers. Primestock travelled from Ireland, Devon, Cornwall and Cheshire, across the Northern Counties and the Scottish Borders, Lanarkshire and Aberdeenshire, Caithness and Argyll all to take advantage of the 19 active purchasers who operate on a weekly basis providing a very transparent and competitive market place here at Longtown. Haulage can be arranged from all four corners of the United Kingdom with ease so Please do not hesitate to contact your auctioneers who will be pleased to take your calls and help you and your business in any way possible.
John Walton 07880 527 066 (Prime Sheep Auctioneer)
Daniel Lynn 07584 200 489 (Prime Sheep Auctioneer)
Sam Hogg 07584 207 323 (Prime Cattle and Cast Cow Auctioneer)
Norman Douglas 07786 366 833 (Fields Person)
Helen Rickard 07741 313 029 (Fields Person)
Beltex 411p Newton, 372p Kilnford Croft, 368p Hardriding, 360p Mains of Collin.
Texel 351p Solwaybank, 341p Cadgillhead, 337p Copperthorns, 336p Kirkton of Kingoldrum, 335p Lingey Field.
Blue Texel 330p Glendearg, 321p Oswie.
North Country Cheviot 315p Glendearg, 311p High Crubasdale, 306p Mid Harietsfield, 305p Heathery Hall, Copperthorns & Longburgh Fauld.
Cheviot 313p Mainside, 308p Oswie, 305p, 302p Thornship, 300p Mainside & Morwood.
Suffolk 312p Newton, 308p Archerbeck, 307p Kirkton of Kingoldrum, 306p West Scales, 305p High Cattadale.
Charollais 312p Overton of Knaven, 310p Archerbeck, 308p Tinnishall.
Herdwick 311p, 300p Orthwaite Hall.
Mule 307p, 300p High Crubasdale, 298p Mains of Collin, 297p High Crubasdale & High Cattadale.
Dutch Spotted 307p Pitgersie, 300p Hillside.
Millennium Blue 305p Oswie.
Blackface 294p High Crubasdale, 290p Greenhills, 287p Cowburnrigg, 286p Heathery Hall & High Crubasdale.
Lleyn 292p Eland Hall.
Cheviot Mule 287p Kirkhouse, 283p Marwhirn, 282p Overton of Knaven.
Swaledale 282p Woodhall, 279p Orthwaite Hall.
Beltex £200, £186, £182 Hardriding, £180 Hillside, £178 Hallburn Croft, £175 Hillside.
Blue Texel £200, £180 Little Tongue, £176 Glendearg.
Blueface Leicester £200 Penpeugh.
Texel £185 Viewley, £180 Greenhills, £174 Copperthorns, £168 Lingey Field & Greenburn.
Suffolk £169 Viewley, £160 Mainside & Cowburnrigg, £152 Kirkhouse, £150 Archerbeck & Overton of Knaven.
Charollais £160 Archerbeck, £153 Overton of Knaven, £151 Tinnishall, £150 Bidlake.
Cheviot £160 Low Stokoe, £151 Shandford, £144 Mainside.
Dutch Spotted £158, £148 Little Mark.
North Country Cheviot £156, £154 Kilnford Croft, £151 Glendearg.
Mule £150 Tangytavil, £146 High Crubasdale, £144 Belvedere, £142 Mouldyhills.
Hampshire £150 Upper Gelshfield.
Cheviot Mule £144 Overton of Knaven.
Blackface £140 Mouldyhills, £137 Heathery Hall, £130 Pitgersie.
Herdwick £124, £120 Orthwaite Hall.
Swaledale £120 Orthwaite Hall.
A larger show of 4,516 ewes was forward easily maintaining last week’s rates of return, with hill ewes proving better to sell. All classes of ewes are still in demand and numbers can be sold to vendor advantage as 17 active purchasers graced the ringside ensuring all classes were competitively bid for, resulting in a very buoyant trade throughout.
Texel ewes topped the sale breaking the £300 barrier for the second week running were a fantastic pen of 6 pure bred Texel ewes realising £305 consigned by M/s Hastings, Burncroft.
Hill ewes proved better to cash being £6-£10 sold to £118 for Cheviots from BN & S Urwin, Lynnshield, Haltwhistle. Blackface ewes taking the biggest lift topping at £98 consigned by from Harehead with good meated ewes regularly trading between £85-£90
Rams to £182 for Texels from Cottage Farm.
Texel £305 Burncroft, £260 Meikle Carleith, £250 Gelston Castle, £235 Langdyke Cottage, £230 Swinside Townfoot.
Beltex £270 Braehead, £200 Castlehill & Solwaybank Cottage.
Blue Texel £175 Greenhills.
Charollais £168 Eastside, £150 Belvedere & Netherhirst.
Bluefaced Leicester £168 Falnash.
Suffolk £158 Gelston CAastle, £150 Greenhills, £148 Viewley & North House, £146 Beckfoot.
Cheviot Mule £148 Gelston Castle, £144 West Park.
North Country Cheviot £144 Newton, £140 Castlehill, £138 Outer Woodhead & Whins.
Mule £124 Hassendeanburn, £121 Solway House, £120 Myrelandhorn & Bayles.
Cheviot £118 Lynnshield, £110 Langdyke Cottage, £108 Skelfhill & Belvederre, £106 Oswie.
Blackface £98 Harehead, £92 How End & Drumgrange, £90 Whiteside.
Swaledale £78 Lords Lot & Butterdales, £68 Preston Tilery & Nunscleugh.
Kendal Rough £70 Lynnshield.
Kerry Hill £70 Thornship.
Texel £182 Cottage, £170 Beckfoot, £160 Hassendeanburn.
Suffolk £160 Heatherglen.
Beltex £158 Castlehill.
Bluefaced Leicester £155 Leithenhall.
Charollais £145 Leithenhall.
North Country Cheviot £129 West Millhills.
Blue Texel £122 Raggetsyke.
Blackface £122 Penpeugh.
Light to 306.0p (270.5p)
Standard to 411.0p (297.5p)
Medium to 372.0p (299.9p)
Heavy to 360.0p (290.6p)
Light to £118.00 (£81.24)
Heavy to £305.00 (£111.67)
Rams to £182.00 (£102.09)
corresponding week 2023 sale report