Longtown Primestock Sale Report

C&D Auction Marts Limited had forward 5,285 comprising of 3,185 prime hoggs and 2,100 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown Mart on Thursday 11th April 2024.

A similar show of cows was forward to a competitive ringside of buyers, although the vast majority non-farm assured. The sale topped at £1,896 for Angus from EAP Glendinning, Over Cassock, Eskdalemuir with Friesians selling to £1,380 and £1,352 from CT & J Wigham, Hethermill, Kirklinton. Limousin cows sold to £1,243 from WA Crozier, Viewley, Hexham. Top price per kilo of 230p for Friesians from Hethermill with Limousins to 228p and 222p from Embley.

A smaller and again a very mixed show of 3,185 hoggs was forward. Another sensational trade was witnessed with all vendors both new and old, leaving Longtown absolutely delighted with their days trading, with no fewer than 410 hoggs selling over £218. Lightweight hoggs sold to massive returns with customers very keen for supplies.

Well finished fed hoggs continue to see returns that have never been seen before and numbers are actively sought after for the coming weeks trading.     

Top per kilo of 510p for Beltex shown by M & W Fotheringham, Drumcairn, Perth, who also achieved top price per head of £258 again for Beltex hoggs.

All classes of well finished hoggs are wanted here at Longtown on a weekly basis to satisfy an ever-growing demand. Prime stock travel from all four corners of the United Kingdom to take advantage of the 19 active, competitive purchasers who operate on a weekly basis providing a very transparent and competitive market place here at Longtown. Haulage can be arranged easily and efficiently, so please do not hesitate to contact our auctioneers who will be pleased to take your calls and assist you and your business in any way possible.

John Walton 07880 527 066 (Prime Sheep Auctioneer)

Daniel Lynn 07584 200 489 (Prime Sheep Auctioneer)

Sam Hogg 07584 207 323 (Prime Cattle and Cast Cow Auctioneer)

Norman Douglas 07786 366 833 (Fields Person)

Helen Rickard 07741 313 029 (Fields Person)

Overall average 404.7p (SQQ 404.5p)


Beltex 510p Drumcairn, 507p, 483p Balbrydie, 480p, 477p Drumcairn, 477p, 472p Balbrydie.

Texel 447p, 442p Creca Hall, 440p Meadowside, 436p Ellerslea, 434p Oakshawhill, 433p Tetcott & Heathery Hall.

Blue Texel 445p Heathery Hall.

Suffolk 443p Prior Rigg, 433p Tetcott, 432p, Sykehead, 430p Slamptonhill. 

Cheviot 435p Sangomore, 429p, 428p Longburgh Fauld, 426p Blackett House & West Scales. 

Blackface 428p Galleywreay, 422p Sykehead, 421p Yett, 419p Heathery Hall, 412p Sykehead.   

Herdwick 428p Ashley Park.

North Country Cheviot 424p Longburgh Fauld.

Gritstone 413p Tetcott.

Easycare 412p Westernhopeburn.

Mule 411p Westernhopeburn, 396p Meadowside, 389p Galleywreay, 382p Westernhopeburn.    

Charollais 407p Sykehead, 400p Shandford.    


Beltex £258, £250 Drumcairn, £250 Tercrosset & Bygate, £248 Pasturewood & Drumcairn, £245 Mid Banks, £242 Tercrosset, £240 Drumcairn.       

Texel £248 Hatton of Carse, £245 Romavale, £242 Tercrosset, £240 Hyde Park, £238 Westernhopeburn.  

Suffolk £240 Hyde Park, £236 Romavale, £218, £216 Hyde Park, £214 Sykehead, £212 Romavale.

Cheviot £226, £216, £212, £207 West Scales, £204 High House & Hyde Park, £200 Creca Hall & Sandbed.

North Country Cheviot £220 Hyde Park & Belvedere, £212 Guardsmill.

Charollais £216 Shandford.  

Mule £214 Meadowside, £200 Hyde Park, £199 Westernhopeburn, £194 Hallburn.       

Blue du Maine £210 Westernhopeburn.

Zwartble £210 Kimmeter Green.  

Cheviot Mule £208 Hyde Park & Meadowside.

Blue Texel £205 Heathery Hall.  

Easycare £202 Westernhopeburn

Dorset £200 Hyde Park.

Blackface £198 Yett, £193 Heathery Hall.

A smaller show of 2,100 ewes was forward selling to a sensational trade across the board. More ewes are wanted on a weekly basis to satisfy increased customer demand. Please don’t hesitate to contact our auctioneers for entries and enquiries for next week’s bonanza.

The sale topped at £340 for Texel ewes from Greenhills.  

Hill ewes sold to a massive trade being way short of purchaser requirements topping at £150 for Cheviots shown by Faebit Farm, Meadowside, Ross-shire. Blackface ewes topped at £142 for a penful consigned by M/s Carr, Highwood, Hexham  

Rams sold to a big trade especially heavy continental bred rams topping at £245 for Charollais from W Tinning, Newtown, Blackford.


Texel £340, £295, £280 Greenhills, £280 Hatton of Carse, £275 Raefield & Beckfoot, £270 Hatton of Carse, Dormansteads & Greenhills.   

Suffolk £232 Kimmeter Green, £218 Bygate, £212 Beckfoot.

Charollais £222 Viewley, £218, £208 Beckfoot, £208 Viewley.   

Beltex £210 Low Tirfergus, £202 Ellerslea, £200 Barrogill Mains.

Bluefaced Leicester £210 Beacon Rigg.  

Cheviot Mule £188 Beckfoot.   

Mule £182 Tetcott, £172 Staffler, £160 Ellerslea, £158 Moss Kennels, £157, £155 Tetcott.

North Country Cheviot £180 Shandford, £178 North Corrielaw & Dormansteads, £170 Clynemilton.


Cheviot £150 Meadowside, £148 Potholm & Clynemilton, £142 Meikledale & Gorthleck Mains, £140 Fala Hill, Meikledale & Clynemilton.

Blackface £142 Highwood, £136 North Corrielaw, £134 Ballie, £132 Borlum, £130 Gibblaston.  

Jacob £135 Beckfoot.        

Swaledale £132 Gibblaston, £120 Spoutbank & Beacon Rigg, £115 Gibblaston.      

Easycare £132 The Anvil.  


Charollais £245, £200 Newtown.    

Suffolk £235 Beckfoot, £210 Great House.      

Texel £225 Granton Mill, £220 Beckfoot & Viewley, £210 Achalone Croft & Roxburgh Mains.

Bluefaced Leicester £200 Beckfoot

Dorset £175 Beckfoot.    

Blue Texel £140 Beckfoot.

Valais Blacknose £135 Greenhills.


Light to           419.0p (358.9p)
Standard to      477.0p (392.7p)
Medium to      507.0p (415.2p)
Heavy to         510.0p (406.3p)

Light to           £150.00 (£109.72) 
Heavy to         £340.00 (£156.11)

Rams to           £245.00 (£167.22)


corresponding week 2023 sale report