Longtown Store & Breeding Cattle Sale Report


C&D Auction Marts Limited had forward an outstanding show of mainly native bred cattle, on Saturday 22nd March 2025, which sold to a packed ringside of both local and distant purchasers, ensuring all classes sold to a serious return with all vendors leaving highly delighted with their days trading.

Forward cattle proved to be in demand topping at £2180 for a pair of Shorthorn steers consigned by M/s Gibson, Cut Thorn Farm, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Trade of the day resided with the yearling cattle which were in short supply. A pen of 10m old pure bred Aberdeen Angus heifers consigned by M/s Hayward, Fell House, Hexham topped this section and the sale, realising a staggering £2280 x 4.

Another pen of cattle looking very well sold were a pen of hard 8m old Galloway steers consigned by M/s Henderson, Whitehill, Dumfries realising £1090 x 6 being over £100 in front of other centres. Many more yearling grazing cattle could have been sold to vendor advantage at this venue and are required for next year’s sale.


Beef Shorthorn - £2180, £1660, £1570, £1500 Cut Thorn, £1980, £1620 x2 Pilmuir, £1760, £1500 Highfield House, £1500 Skelfhill

Angus - £2080, £2060, £1580 Smithsteads, £1530 Orchard, £1440 Wallish Walls, £1440, £1300 Townhead of Culloch, £1300 Naddle, £1010 Arkleton

Charolais - £1950, £1580, £1480, £1440, £ Allfornaught

Simmental - £1920, £1500 Allfornaught,

Galloway - £1800, £1770, £1680, £1420 Gibstown, £1740, £1600 x2 Hightown, £1720 x2 Prospect, £1600 Burnthwaite, £1510 Terrona,

Whitebred Shorthorn - £1780 Burnfoot, £1690 Holme Head, £1640 x3, £1530, £1510 Hightown, £1630 Holme Head, £1520, £1320 Burnthwaite, £1520, £1480, £1370, £1360, £1320 Wallish Walls, £1420, £1200 Barron House

Limousin - £1740 Laverhay, £1640 Hightown, £1390 Townhead of Culloch

British Blue - £1760, £1500 Laverhay

Belted Galloway - £1720, £1220 Croft House, £1440 Ryehills, £1440 Townhead of Culloch, £1440 Eastlands, £1390, £1360, Rose Tree

Blue Grey - £1530, £1510 Hightown, £1320 Prospect

Saler - £1500, £1470, £1460 Edgerston

White Galloway - £1090, £950 x3 Hightown

Luing - £900 Naddle


Angus - £2280 Fell House, £1620. Wallish Walls, £1600.

Beef Shorthorn - £2180, Cut Thorn, £1660, £1640, £1540, £1480 Haliburton, £1520, £1480 Pilmuir.

Simmental - £1980, £1870 Archbank, £1440 Skelfhill, £1400 Georgefield, £1300 Allfornaught

British Blue - £1800, Laverhay

Charolais - £1800, £1740, Allfornaught

Belted Galloway - £1700, £1200 Rose Tree, £1520, £1380, £1300 Ryehills, £1180 Croft House, £1180 Eastlands

Limousin - £1680, £1580, £1540 Orchard, £1400 Laverhay,

Whitebred Shorthorn - £1640 Wallish Walls, £1420, £1380 Burnfoot, £1400, £1380, Wallish Walls

Hereford - £1640 Westholme, £1220, £1040 Georgefield

Galloway - £1040 Smithsteads


Belted Galloway - £1100 Mains of Machermore

Breeding Cattle

The genuine dispersal of Hereford and Hereford cross cows and calves and in-calf cows brought purchases from up and down the country and even from over the water to see this fantastic herd go under the gavel on behalf of Leslie and Nancy Brown, Westholme Farm, Winston.

Topping the sale at £5000 was the Limousin stock bull making his way back down country to Chopgate, Middlesborough. Females sold to a top of £3200 for a Hereford heifer suckling twins, outfit of cows and calves averaging a tremendous £2656. In-calf cows from the same home reaching £2700 for a Hereford heifer PD’d 4 to 5 months in-calf making her way over the water to Orkney. In-calf cows went on to average £2120.

Highland cows and calves top at £2000 from Mark Purdham, Holmlea.

Cows & Heifer Calves

Hereford - £3200, £2950 x2, £2900, £2800 x2, £2750, £2450 x2, £2400, £2150 Westholme

Limousin - £2350 Westholme

Cows & Bull Calves

Hereford - £3000 x3, £2950, £2850 x2, £2800 x3, £2550 x3 Westholme

Limousin  - £2350, £2250 Westholme

Highland - £2000 Holmlea

In-calf Heifers

Blue Grey - £1600, £1500 Cowpebottoms

Whitebred Shorthorn - £1600 Cowpebottoms

Hereford - £2700, £1950, £1550 Westholme

Limousin - £2450, £1950 Westholme

Breeding Bull

Limousin - £5000 Westholme