Longtown Suckler Calves Sale Report
C&D Auction Marts Ltd had their show & sale of 524 suckler calves on Saturday 6th October 2018. A wonderful show of quality cattle was forward, and the sale was a huge success with a full ring of active buyers operating strongly, trade was beyond expectations. Great credit must be given to the vendors who sold cattle in excellent bloom despite the drought conditions of the summer.
Judging was ably carried out by Mr David Sandham who awarded the championship to a Limousin bullock from W.H. & D.A. Gass, Nunscleugh realised £1,600, with the Nunscleugh run of 90 cattle averaging £30 up on the year. A better run of 90 cattle would be hard to find elsewhere in the British Isles.
The reserve champion was a very smart Limousin heifer shown by G Mitchinson & Sons, Gallowberry which sold to £1,320.
Reserve Champion
The cup for the best Charolais went to W.G. & H.M. Kyle, Spoutbank for a bullock selling at £1,250.
Charolais Champion
The show was kindly sponsored by Capontree Vets.
Prize list: -
Limousin bullock - 1st Nunscleugh £1,600, 2nd Nunscleugh £1,210, 3rd Spoutbank £1,260.
Limousin heifer - 1st Gallowberry £1,320, 2nd Nunscleugh £1,160, 3rd Nunscleugh £1,170.
Charolais bullock - 1st Spoutbank £1,250, 2nd Spoutbank £1,240, 3rd Riggfoot £1,130.
Charolais heifer - 1st Spoutbank £1,155, 2nd Spoutbank £1,000, 3rd Riggfoot £920.
Any other breed bullock - 1st Spoutbank £1,150, 2nd Laverhay £790, 3rd Laverhay £790.
Any other breed heifer – 1st Laverhay £940, 2nd Laverhay £860, 3rd Laverhay £1,010.
Limousin £1,600, £1,290 (x5), £1,270 (x2) Nunscleugh, £1,270 Gallowberry, £1,260 Spoutbank, £1,250 (x3) Nunscleugh, £1,240 Gallowberry & Spoutbank, £1,220 Dodgsonstown, £1,220 (x3), £1,210 (x4) Nunscleugh, £1,200 Wyseby Hill Cottage & Hilltop, £1,180 Dodgsonstown & Hilltop, £1,170 (x4) Nunscleugh, £1,160 (x3) Gallowberry, £1,160 (x3) Nunscleugh, £1,155 Greensburn, £1,140 Wyseby Hill Cottage, £1,130 (x4) Nunscleugh, £1,110 High Greenhill, £1,110 (x4) Hilltop, £1,100 Dodgsonstown, Fellend & Gallowberry, £1,090 High Greenhill, Hilltop & Gallowberry, £1,080 Spoutbank, £1,070 Fellend & Hilltop, £1,060 (x2) Greensburn, £1,060 (x3) Nunscleugh, £1,050 Dodgsonstown, £1,050 (x4) Hilltop, £1,040 (x3) Tinnishall, £1,020 Hilltop, £1,020, £1,010 (x4) The Flatt, £1,010 (x3) Gallowberry, £1,000 (x8) The Flatt.
Charolais £1,280 (x2), £1,250, £1,240 (x2), £1,180 (x2) Spoutbank, £1,170 (x2) Riggfoot, £1,140 (x2), £1,135 (x2) Spoutbank, £1,130, £1,120, £1,110 Riggfoot, £1,105 (x3), £1,100 (x2), £1,060 (x7), £1,050 (x2) Spoutbank, £950, £940 (x2), £920 Riggfoot.
British Blue £1,150 Spoutbank, £930 Laverhay, £920 Nirvana.
Blonde £1,130 The Ash.
Simmental £980, £915 (x5) Archerbeck.
Angus £865, £770 Archerbeck.
Limousin £1,320 Gallowberry, £1,170, £1,160 (x5) Nunscleugh, £1,160 Dodgsonstown, £1,150 Gallowberry, £1,140 (x5), £1,120 (x7) Nunscleugh, £1,110 Oakwoodhill, £1,100 (x9) Nunscleugh, £1,090 The Ash, £1,080 High Greenhill, £1,080 (x3) Nunscleugh, £1,060 Wyseby Hill Cottage, £1,050 Tinnishall & Greensburn, £1,035 High Greenhill, £1,030 (x6) Nunscleugh, £1,030 (x2) Greensburn, £1,030 (x3) Hilltop, £1,025, £1,020 Dodgsonstown, £1,015 (x2) Tinnishall, £1,010 Moss Side.
Charolais £1,155 Spoutbank, £1,070, £1,040 The Ash, £1,000 Spoutbank.
British Blue £1,010 (x2), £940 (x2), £930 Laverhay.
Blonde £970 (x2), £900 (x2) Oakwoodhill.
Simmental £800 (x5), £730 (x2) Archerbeck.
Angus £740 (x3) Archerbeck.
Limousin £1,100, £1,020, £1,010, £910 Dumbretton.
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