Longtown Store Sheep Sale Report
The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC had forward 802 head of ewes with lambs and store hoggs at their sale at Longtown on Tuesday 8th April 2014.
A quality show of ewes and lambs, all classes dearer and short of requirements. Top was £68 for Texel ewes with twins from How Farm; Suffolks at £62 How Farm; Zwartbles £57 How Farm; Greyfaces £56.50 How Farm, £55 from Bateyshield.
Ewes with singles: Texels £66.50 How Farm; Suffolks at £62 How Farm; Greyfaces £56.50 How Farm, £54.50 Henrys Hill.
Inlamb Texel ewes £120, £116, £112 Mossband House
Store hoggs (351) were a good entry for the time of year and again sold at record prices.
Top was £88 for Texel hoggs from Keepershield, £87 Greenburn, £81 Beck View.; Suffolks £87.50 , £80 Keepershield; Hill Cheviot £83, £80 Milnholm; Greyfaces £73 Greenburn; Blackfaces £69.50 Wanwood Hill.
Cast ewes to £92 Garden Cottage with hill types to £52 Burnfoot of Ewes.