Longtown Store Sheep Sale Report
The Principal Annual Sale of 5,536 Cheviot Mule Ewe Lambs and Gimmer Shearlings was held at Longtown on Tuesday 26th August 2014.
A packed ringside of both distant and local buyers ensured a buoyant trade throughout, although most consignors top pens were slightly steadier on the year, the next two cuts were substantially dearer.

The much larger consignment of 2,796 North Country Cheviot Mule Ewe Lambs met another fine trade, although top pens would be cheaper the next few cuts of lambs were definitely more sought after. The top price was £136 (x2) both for pens from Messrs King, Gospel Hall. Sale averaging £98.84, down £3.36 on the year for more sold.
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Principal prices:-
£136 Gospel Hall, £134 Kingside and Swinside, £130 Wardshill, Hownam Grange and Gospel Hall, £128 Kingside, Crossdykes and Gilston, £127 Gospel Hall and Wardshill, £126 Brockhouse.
Leading averages:-
Messrs Cockburn, Kingside sold 88 head top £134, average £123.59.
Messrs McQuat, Brockhouse sold 40 head top £126, average £116.00.
Messrs King, Gospel Hall sold 320 head top £136, average £112.78.
Messrs Hedley, Swinside Townfoot sold 202 head top £134, average £112.78.
Messrs Common, Crossdykes sold 59 head top £128, average £109.97.
Messrs Dun, Gilston sold 40 head top £128, average £109.50.
Messrs Thomson, Hownam Grange sold 99 head top £130, average £108.62.
Messrs Aynsley, Ward Hills sold 527 head top £130, average £105.64.
A much smaller show of 568 Hill Cheviot Mule Ewe Lambs were a far superior show on the year and sold to a top of £98 from Terrona and averaged £84.90, up £11.81 on the year.
Principal prices:- £98 (x2), £97, £96 (x2), £92 Terrona, £91, £90 Carterton, £86 Castlehill.
Also today saw an entry of 787 Cheviot Mule cross Ewe Lambs which sold to a top of £127 for Texel x from Messrs Dun, Gilston.
Principal Prices:-
Texel x £127 Gilston, £121, £120 West Bolton, £116, £114, £112 Wester Ulston, £108 Kingside.
Suffolk x £112 Gilston, £77 Fountainside.
The 1,385 Cheviot Mule Shearlings met the trade of the day, with demand far outweighing supply as more people are keen to try them. The sale topped at £190 for annual consignor G.B. Milroy, Mains of Machermore, Newton Stewart to average £153.50, up a massive £24.65 on the year.
Principal prices:-£190 Mains of Machermore, £174 Whitehill, £172 Ryemuir, £172, £170 Over Finlarg (Westhills), £170 Whitehill and Castlehill, £168 Skelfhill and Marwhirn, £166 Prieston (Dundee) and Skelfhill.
Beltex x Cheviot Mule £180 Mains of Machermore.
Texel x Cheviot Mule £150 Kingside.
STORE LAMBSThe Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart plc had forward 4,641 store lambs at their weekly sale at Longtown on Tuesday 26th August, 2014.
Another great show of store lambs and with distant buyers present, all classes easily maintained late high rates with Greyfaces a £1 or so dearer.
Top of £70 for Beltex’s from Byers Farm, others £69 Pallet Hill; Suffolk £67.50 Oliver Road, £66 Greenwell Meadows; Texel £67 Rinnion Hills and Greenwell Meadows; Cheviot Mule £62.50 Sorbietrees, £61.50 East Redfordgreen; Lleyn £61.50, £60 Dolphinston; North Country Cheviot £57.50 Whiteknowe, £56.50 Nisbet, £53 Gillesbie; Greyface £56 Cooks House, £55 Fordlands, £52.50 High Edges Green; Blackface £46 The Row, £44 Collinbank, £41.50 Dalveen; Herdwick £37 Dumfries House.
Cast rams to £79 East Stobbylea who also sold cast ewes at £57.50.