Longtown Store & Breeding Sheep Sale Report
The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart plc had forward 2,803 store hoggs and feeding ewes at their sale at Longtown on Tuesday 20th January 2015.
Another great entry, trade the dearest so far with number vastly short of requirements.
Top of £82 for a Beltex from High Lovelady Shield and £81 Rinnion Hills; Texel £81 North Synton, £79 Upper Tofts, £77.50 Bankside; Charollais £79.50 Bankside, £73.50 Priestdykes; North Country Cheviot £78 Priesthaugh, £75 Adderston Shiels; Suffolk £78 Ormiston, £77.50 Priesthaugh and Mount Carran, £76.50 Muirfield; South Country Cheviot £73 Cowburn, £71 Hartsgarth, £70 Priesthaugh; Blackface £73 Gatehouse, £70 Peela Hill, £68 Patties Hill and Plenderleith; Greyface £68.50 Gatehouse, £67 Mount Karran, £64 Peghorn Lodge; Beulah £66 Gall; Lleyn £63.50 Over Whitlaw; Swaledale £62.50 Cotland; Kendal Rough £60 Gill Head; Herdwick £49 Anthorn.
Cast ewes to £110 Upper Tofts, £105 Cotland. Hill ewes to £75 Cowburn. Cast rams to £81 Sorbietrees.