Longtown Store & Breeding Sheep Sale Report
The Countries Principal Show and Sale of 7,825 Cheviot Mule Ewe Lambs and Gimmer Shearlings, along with Cheviot Mule Cross Ewe Lambs was held at Longtown on Tuesday 23rd August 2016.
A packed ringside of buyers from Caithness to Cornwall were present, as well as a large contingent of Welsh buyers and the usual local trade. Vendors will have gone home very satisfied.
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Also included today was the Prize Show for pens of 20 ewe lambs and 20 gimmer shearlings kindly sponsored by Davidsons Animal Feeds.
The show was ably judged by Mr I Smith, West Bolton Farm, Alnwick, who awarded the Championship to annual consignors, Messrs Cockburn, Kingside which realised £148 to Messrs N F Hodges & Sons, Buttermilk, Buckinghamshire. The shearling Championship went to Mr IHG Warden, Skelfhill which realised £152 to Messrs Wilson, West Barmoffity, Kirkpatrick Durham.
Prizes as follows:
Ewe Lambs:
1st - Messrs Cockburn, Kingside - £148 - N F Hodges & Sons, Buckinghamshire.
2nd - Messrs King, Gospel Hall - £138 – G Smith & Sons, West Bolton.
3rd - P W Hedley, Swinside Townfoot - £155 - J M Sutherland, Sibmister.
1st - IHG Warden, Skelfhill - £152 – Messrs Wilson, Kirkpatrick Durham.
2nd - Raehills Farms Ltd - £160 – R D Kirk, Thurgarton.
3rd - GB Milroy, Mains of Machermore - £175 - RW & SC Porter, Kirby Thore.
4,251 North Country Cheviot Mule Ewe Lambs sold to a top of £155 from Messrs Hedley, Swinside Townfoot to J M Sutherland, Sibmister, Caithness and averaged £106.45 (+£6.78) on the year for 1,031 more sold.
Principal prices:- £155 Swinside Townfoot, £148 Kingside & Swinside Townfoot, £145 Hownam Grange, £142 Wardhills, £140 Crossdykes, Harestone, Wardhills, Swinside Townfoot & Brockhouse, £139 Brockhouse, £138 Gospel Hall, £136 Dodgsonstown, Swinside Townfoot & Brockhouse.
Leading flock averages:-
Messrs Cockburn, Kingside Sold 95 head Top £148 Average £133.32
Messrs Barclay, Harestone Sold 40 head Top £140 Average £130.00
Messrs McQuat, Brockhouse Sold 100 head Top £140 Average £129.40
Messrs Hedley, Swinside Townfoot Sold 250 head Top £155 Average £125.60
Messrs Osborne, Castlehill Sold 78 head Top £132 Average £118.92
Messrs Aynsley, Wardhills Sold 568 head Top £142 Average £118.20
Messrs Thomson, Hownam Grange Sold 116 head Top £145 Average £116.23
Messrs Common, Crossdykes Sold 84 head Top £140 Average £116.21
Raehills Farms Ltd, Annandale Sold 50 head Top £130 Average £114.40
Messrs Pate, Stobshiel Mains Sold 64 head Top £125 Average £113.97
Floor Farming, Rawburn Sold 75 head Top £116 Average £113.15
Bridgewater & Wood, Potholm Sold 83 head Top £134 Average £112.31
Messrs Beard, Dormansteads Sold 35 head Top £118 Average £112.29
Messrs King, Gospel Hall Sold 367 head Top £138 Average £111.42
Messrs Blair, Dodgsonstown Sold 131 head Top £136 Average £108.92
A small show of 169 South Country Cheviot Mule Ewe Lambs sold to a top of £95 Granton, £92 Castlehill, £86 Tushielaw, £85, £84 Carterton.
An excellent show of 1,067 Texel x Cheviot Mules sold to a top of £112 from West Bolton & Philiphaugh to average £90.66 (+£3.66) on the year.
Principal prices:- £112 West Bolton & Philiphaugh, £110 West Bolton & Upper Hunderlee, £108 West Bolton, £102 Philiphaugh, £100 Swinhoe North & Wester Ulston.
A much larger show of 1,917 Cheviot Mule Shearlings were forward and met a mixed trade with character lots easily sold and the lesser sheep a little easier on last year’s flyer. Sale topped at £192 for two pens from R McNee, Over Finlarg, Tealing to J Hyslop & Sons, Netherton & A Campbell, Strawfrank. The overall average was £138.94 (-£10.10) on last year’s record.
Principal prices:- £192 (x2) Over Finlarg, £188 Marwhirn, £182 Over Finlarg & Marwhirn, £180 North Balloch, £175 Marwhirn & Mains of Machermore, £172 Marwhirn & Over Finlarg, £170 North Balloch, £168, £165 Hunting Faulds, £160 Raehills.
2015 sale report