Longtown Store Sheep Sale Report
C&D Auction Marts Ltd had forward 10,776 store lambs at their weekly sale at Longtown on Tuesday 3rd October 2023.
The largest show so far, again attracted plenty of local and distant buyers. The show of lambs were in general were of a poorer quality, trade was again very competitive, with late high rates easily maintained. The feature of the sale was an entry of 1,009 Romney x Texels from Castlemilk Estates, Lockerbie, the top was £100 for Texel x and £91 for Romney x.
1st Prize Dutch Texel lambs - Messrs Storey Woodhead
(Champion pen of store lambs) sold for £160 per head
Topping the sale at £160 for Beltex from High House and Dutch Texel from Woodhead, other Beltex to £150 & £145 Woodhead, £142 Whitstone Hill; Texels to £116 for Isle of Man, £112 Kernal Hill, £106 Low Longlands & East Foreshields; Suffolks to £102 & £97 Whitstone Hill, £98 Cragg Farm, £96 Cumstone; Greyfaces to £104 Hesleywell, £92 Silloans, £88 East Foreshield; Cheviot Mules to £96 Effgill, £90 & £86 Broadmea, £87 Plan Farm; Leicester to £89 Hesleywell; Easycares to £65 East Fortissat; Romneys to £90 & £82 Castlemilk Estates, £77 Rammerscales; Ryelands to £80 Justinlees; Herdwicks to £45 Low Longlands.
1st Prize Beltex lambs - Messrs Storey Woodhead (Reserve Champion pen of store lambs)
Incorporated into the weekly sale was the annual prize show and sale of Continental and Suffolk store lambs. Kindly sponsored by Danny McGregor Mobile Sheep Dipping. The show was ably judged by Dan Stainthorpe, Saltburn, results were as follows;
2nd Prize Beltex lambs - Whitstonehill
1st JW Storey & Son, Woodhead - £150
2nd JR & CJ Ward, Whitstonehill - £126
3rd TJ Hall, Horsley Hill - £130
1st JW Storey & Son, Woodhead - £160
1st Prize Suffolk lambs - Whitstonehill
1st JR & CJ Ward, Whitstonehill - £102
CHAMPION JW Storey & Son, Woodhead - £160 - Dutch Texel
RESERVE CHAMPION JW Storey & Son, Woodhead - £150 – Beltex
Feeding ewe (614) still in strong demand. Top £97 for Texels from West Road House; Greyfaces to £86 Keppoch. Hill ewes to £80 for Blackfaces from Low Old Shield; Cheviots to £68 High Thorneyburn. Cast rams to £82 for a Bluefaced Leicester from Hesleywell.
Hill Cheviots (2,152) a good entry although strong lambs scarcer, more smaller lambs forward, trade was again excellent. Top £103 & £91 for Hill Cheviots from Priesthaugh, others to £84 Glendinning, £83 Langhope, £81 Park Hill. Hill North Cheviots to £85 Routin Lynn, £84 Teviot Rigg, £81 Englishtown.
Blackface lambs (3,273) a big offering, again strong lambs scarcer, with smaller lambs more prominent, trade was again very strong. Top £85 Dunblane, £81 Allensgreen, £79 Castlefield.
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