Longtown Store & Breeding Sheep Sale Report
C&D Auction Marts Ltd had forward 2,704 store hoggs, feeding ewes and cast rams at Longtown on Tuesday 12th March 2024. All classes sold to record breaking rates of return; now is the time to market all sheep for maximum returns.
The sale topped at £225 and £222 for Texel hoggs consigned by DJL Livestock, Throckley, with an overall sale average an eye watering £113.61.
One of the highlights of the sale was a run of North Country Cheviot stock ewe hoggs consigned by Messrs J Matthewson & Son, Routin Lynn, Berwick. They sold to a top of £190 for a pen of 24, achieving an average of £176.86 for 84 sold.
Texels to £225, £222 Northway, £204 Boreland, £200 Northway. North Country Cheviot to £190, £188, £175 Routin Lynn, £175 Northway. Suffolks to £176 Reddis Hall & Walley Thorn, £170 Rigfoot, £169 High Stenries. Cheviot Mules to £174 Catslackburn, £158 Triermain. Cheviots to £154 Drumlanrigg Mains, £140 Falnash, £135 Bloch, £132 Catslackburn, £130 Blakehopeburnhaugh. Mules to £153 Hollands, £150 Catslackburn. Blackfaces to £148 Miltonese, £146 Wanwood Hill. Beltex to £148 High Floweryhirst, £142 Shankcastle. Herdwick to £120 Rowhead.
Feeding ewes sold to £200 for Texels from R McCornick, Boreland, Kirkcowan. Suffolks to £128 Nunscleugh (Nixon) and £120 Hopestead. Cheviots to £126 The Shaws. Cheviot Mules to £120 Walley Thorn. Mules to £116, £112 Kiraugh, £112 Hopestead. North Country Cheviots to £105 Kelcocleugh, £104 Northway, £102 Greenmerse and Kendal Roughs to £100 from Low Greenley Cleugh. Rams topped at £180 for Texels from Corseview, Banchory.
More hoggs are required on a weekly basis to satisfy a demand that has never been seen before. Please do not hesitate to contact our auctioneers for further enquiries.
Office 01228 791215
John Walton 07880 527066
Daneil Lynn 07584 200489