Longtown Store & Breeding Sheep Sale Report

C & D Auction Marts held their grand opening sale of 2,729 Store Lambs on Tuesday 16th July 2024.

A packed ringside of potential purchasers, both local and distant from Lockerbie to Wrexham ensuring all classes sold to much improved rates on the year. An outstanding sale average of £93 per head was achieved, being £19 up on the year with a lot of well bred  long-term lambs forward.

The sale topped at £150 for a fantastic pen of Texel cross lambs consigned by regular vendor M/s M Cousin, The Laws Farm, Whitfield. This tremendous run of 95 lambs were the highlight of the sale and went on to average £120, being
£22 up on the year. 

Many more well bred lambs are needed to fulfil the ever-growing purchaser demand here at Longtown. Please do not hesitate to contact our auctioneers for enquires or entries. Sales are held weekly and lambs can definitely be sold to vendor advantage

Feeding ewes very keenly sought after, top price of £148 for Texel ewes from Gibson Farming, Cut Thorn.
Daniel Lynn 07584 200489
John Walton 07880 527066

Store Lambs

Texel - £150, £136, £129, £125, £118, £117, £114 The Laws, £126 Banks Head, £120 Barquhill, £118 Woodside, £116 Kilbride
Suffolk - £120 & £116 Hullerbank, £109 Kames
Beltex - £120 Merkland, £100 Bridgestone
North Country Cheviot - £112 Northway,  £109 The Laws, £97 High Townhead, £95, Greendyke
Millennium Blue - £106 Bridgestone
Charollais - £105 Monk
Cheviot Mule – £92 Barquhill
Easycare - £89, £83 Greendyke
Cross - £87 Bayles

Feeding Ewes

Texel - £148, £122 Cut Thorn
Suffolk - £120 Cut Thorn