Longtown Store & Breeding Sheep Sale Report

C & D Auction Marts held their weekly sale of 6,444 Store Hoggs and Breeding Sheep at Longtown on Tuesday 21st January 2025.

The first offering of 445 in-lamb ewes here at Longtown topped at £300 per head for a fantastic trio of Texel cross gimmers in-lamb to a Texel tup from Kelsocleugh Farming, closely followed by a pen of Suffolk x Cheviot gimmers also from Kelsocleugh, realising £280.

Ewes with lambs topped at £105 per life for a Suffolk cross ewe with a single Texel lamb at foot from McNabney Bros, Barsalloch Farm.

Numbers just keep on coming in the store sheep ring with 5,571 forward to meet a ring full of buyers from up and down the country; topping at £250 for a Texel tup hogg from McNabney Bros, Barsalloch Farm. Beltex cross hoggs topped at £174 from D W Musgrave, Sowerby Wood Farm. Hoggs of all classes in strong demand here at Longtown with a buyer for every type around ringside. 
Feeding ewes and cast rams in strong demand with a larger show of 428 forward, Texel ewes lead the way at £200 from Jack Weatherly, Cloverfield Cottage. Suffolk ewes topped at £182 from RS Kennedy, Ballagyr Park.



Texel - £300, £245 Kelsocleugh, £250, £175, £165, £160 Newhope, £230 Sheepfields, £165 Barsalloch, £160 Stockholm

Suffolk - £265 Kelsocleugh, £205 Sheepfields

Charollais - £260 Sheepfields

North Country Cheviot - £200, £145, £125  Sheepfields

Dorset - £200, £165, £140 Sheepfields

Beltex - £195 Newhope, £128 Culcaigrie

Dutch Spotted - £148 Sheepfields

Cross - £128 Culcaigrie

Kerry Hill - £110, £95 Sheepfields

Blackface - £100 Hen Moss

Swaledale - £100 Hen Moss


Suffolk - £280 Kelsocleugh

Texel - £215, £190, £170 Newhope

Half-Bred - £150, £148 Stockolm

Cross - £250 Glen Darroch, £195 Lagganmore

Cheviot Mule - £250, £230 Glen Darroch


Texel - £250 Barsaloch, £168, £154 Ballagyr Park, £162, £156, £147 Burrance of Courance, £159 Drinkstone, £158 Meikleholm, £151, £149, £143 Dranigower, £151 Tara, £150 Barngilies, £150, £147 Brayshaw, £150 Causey View and Sowerby Wood, £146 Tecket, £145 Tarrasfoot, £144 Conhess, £143 Banks Head, £143 Ellerslea, £142 Errington

Beltex  - £174, £158, £151 Sowerby Wood, £160, £158 Tecket, £146 Cadgillhead, £142, £140, £137 Unity, £135 Low Garth, £134 Drinkstone, £134 Aar-Dar, £132 Bridgestone, £130 Priestdykes

Suffolk - £152 Banks Head, £145 Hallrule, £144, £140 Tarrasfoot, £139 Burnhead, £139 Tecket, £137 Barnglies, £136 Cleughhead, £134 Drinkstone, £131 Hepplehill, £130 Parkhill, £130 Tarrasfoot, £130 Ballacarnane, £129 Fellend and Lagganmore

Dorset - £148 Sheepfields

North Country Cheviot - £146, £124 Allfornaught, £140, £122  Whitedyke, £137 Halterburnhead, £132 Dormansteads, £127  Mollin, £125 High Townhead, £124, £120 Ballaharry, £124 Ballachristory, £121 Ballacarane, £120 Woodside, £118 Sheepfields,

Cross - £140, £122 Pryhill, £130 Lagganmore, £130 Halterburnhead, £128 Gibbs Hill, £126 Hepplehill, £126, £124 Banks Head, £125 Ballachristory, £124 Laverhay, £122 Cowden Burn, £120 Linhope, £117 Barron House

Hill Cheviot -  £137, £127 Twislehope, £128, £125, £122, £119, £115, £111, £109  Beckfoot, £118 Meikledale, £117, £107 Falnash, £114  North House, £113, £103 Potholm, £112 Langholm, £109 Linhope, £104 North Shortcleugh

Ryeland - £136, £117 Conhess

Blue Texel - £134 Whitchesters

Cheviot Mule - £130 Dormansteads, £120 Mollin, £111 Parkhill

Blackface - £130 Lamperts, £121, £120, £109 Cowden Burn, £115 Garvilland, £113, £96 Little Larg, £112 Draingower, £110 Parkhill, £110, £103 Linhope, £108 Hepplehill, £105 Halfmark, £105 Meikleholm

Hampshire - £130 Glenlea

Charollais - £120, £104 Whitfield Est

Dutch Spotted - £113 Knock

Herwick - £110, £102, £93 Orthwaite Hall

Swaledale - £110, £100, £96, £89 Pryhill, £93 Coatlith, £80 Hepplehill

Shetland - £109 Ballachristory, £89 Kilnknowe, £88 Whitedyke

Easycare - £109, £86 Glenlea, £107 Whitchesters, £104 South Healey, £96 Whitchesters

Badgerface - £108 Newton

Romney - £82 Cadgillhead


Texel - £200 Cloverfield, £190, £172, £158, Ballachristory, £188, £176 Windy Hill, £175 Parkhill, £174 Sunnybank  Corvalley, £168 Ballagyr, £165 The Dykes, £155 Draingower, £154, £151 Ridley

Suffolk - £182 Ballagyr Park, £178 Windy Hill, £160 Parkhill, £150 Corvalley, £144 The Dykes

North Country Cheviot - £178, £145, £125 Enzieholm, £159 Windy Hill, £140 Ballachristory, £108 Meikledale

Romney - £150 Ballachristory, £113 Burnfoot of Ewes, £100 Sunnybank

Cross - £146 Corvalley, £139 Ballachristory, £138 Westhotbank, £134 Draingower, £132, £104 The Dykes, £124 Moaney Moar, £124, £116 Ballaquinnea Beg, £119 Capenoch, £114, £108 Ballaharry, £112 Sunnybank

Cheviot Mule - £145 Ridley

Half-Bred - £140 Enzieholm

Easycare - £130, £100 Glenlea, £128 Ballakelly

Blackface - £124, £115 Westhotbank, £92 Moaney Moar, £88, £84 Ballaharry, £88 Lamperts

Charollais - £119 Ballachristory

Kendal Rough - £112 Moaney Moar

Hill Cheviot - £110 Parkhill, £100 Langholm

Shetland - £102 Corvalley

Charmoise - £95 Halterburnhead

Welsh Mountain - £90 Ballaharry


Texel - £150 Ridley

Charollais - £140 Corvalley

Hill Cheviot - £129 Langholm, £128 Burnfoot of Ewes

Suffolk - £124 Ballakelly

Blackface - £118 Glenshanna, £112 Draingower, £112 Parkhill, £98 Lamperts

Easycare - £116 Glenlea  

Lleyn - £107 Eriff Est

Herwick - £90 Burnfoor of Ewes