Longtown Store & Breeding Sheep Sale Report

C & D Auction Marts held their weekly sale of 3,676 Store Hoggs and Feeding sheep at Longtown on Tuesday 28th January 2025.

A smaller show of 3,419 store sheep forward met a strong ring side of buyers looking for numbers. Strong hoggs in high demand topping at £164 from J Peden, Tara for a pen of Texel cross hoggs. Longer keeping hoggs a sharper trade on the week with Blackfaces realising £119 from G & T archibald, Craigens Farm.  

Feeding ewes and cast rams continue in strong demand with a show of 257 forward. Mule ewes lead the way at £150 from H Weir & A Dunn, Sweetbit Farm. Closely followed by a pen of Texel ewes from T & AE Miller, Airy Holm and a pen of Cheviot Ewes from M H Anderson & Co, East Redfordgreen, finishing up at £148 per head.

Texel - £164, £149, 3142, £141 Tara, £150 North Synton, £148, £139, £137, £136 Rhoin, £148 Moorhills, £147 Berach Est, £146 Hillside, £145 Netherhirst, £144, £136 Netherton, £142 The Shaws, £140 New Farmhouse, £139 Ballaggan, £139 Elsdonburn, £138 Eskdail, £136 Harden, £136 Longwitton, £134 Causey View
Suffolk - £153, £136, £129, £119 x2 Moss Side, £140 Wiza, £138 Eskdaill, £137 Trowknowes, £135 New Farmhouse, £135 Harden, £134 Clayshant, £133 Netherhirst, £126 Balgreen, £126, £119 Trowknowes, £124 Gate House, £124 Tomaig, £120 Balure, £116 Marwhirn
Cheviot Mule - £145 Trowknowes, £126, £103 Kildalloig, £124 Corran, £117 Brigview, £117 Novally, £113 Keppochan, £113 Balure, £108 Pilmuir
Cross - £145, £124 Rhoin, £129 Trowknowes, £128 Elsdonburn, £128, £125 Barnshangan, £123 High Parkfoot, £122 Harden, £121 Langholm, £121 Low Dunashery, £121 Pry Hill, £120 Causey View, £119 Glenbeg, £118 Berach Est, £118 Longwitton, £117 Pilmuir, £116 High Parkfoot, £116 Pry Hill, £116 Ardmaleish
Blue Texel - £144, £130 Netherton
Lleyn - £140 Pilmuir, £109, £98, £95 Lanrigg
Beltex - £140 New Farmhouse, £131, £130 Priestdykes, £130 Newton of Fotheringham, £128 Bridgestone, £128, £121 Brigview
Hill Cheviot - £138 Kinnelcutty, £111 The Shaws, £106 Skelfhill, £103, £100, £92, £71 Marwhirn, £97 East Redfordgreen, £84 Ramshope, £72 Littlegill
Charollais - £134 Causey View, £125 Nookclose, £113 Craigens, £107 Harden
Half-Bred - £134 North Synton
Blue Faced Leicester - £132 Skelfhill, £108 High Parkfoot, £86 Barnshangan, £80 Kildalloig
North Country Cheviot - £120 Craigens, £119 Tomaig, £118 North Synton, £116 Pilmuir, £109 Balgreen, £109 Alton, £109 Keppochan, £106 Brigview, £105 Tomaig
Blackface - £119, £107 Craigens, £115 Garvilland, £112 Uigle, £109 Dalpeddar, £108 Balmurrie, £101 Longwitton, £101 Skelfhill, £100 Earlshaugh, £95 Tomaig
Dutch Spotted - £115 Brigview, £80 Nookclose
Swaledale - £109 Barron House, £107, £86 Pry Hill
Hampshire - £98 Low Old Shields
Charmoise - £94, £90 x2, £80 Harden
Herwick - £76 Low Longlands

Cross - £150, £124 Sweetbit, £137, £132, £110 Gate House, £132 Enzieholm, £124 Hepplehill, £123 Shaw of Dryfe, £116 Beacon Rigg, £109 Macherquhat
Texel - £148, £116 Airy Holm, £146 Beacon Rigg, £134 Shaw Cottage, £104 Shaw of Dryfe
Hill Cheviot - £148 East Redfordgreen
Cheviot Mule - £144, £120 Enzieholm, £142 Sweetbit
Blackface - £141, £140 East Redfordgreen, £92 Merkland, £85 Enzieholm
North Country Cheviot - £132, £130, £110 Sweetbit, £136, £125, £118 Enzieholm
Suffolk - £121 Peatrigg, £118 Shaw Cottage
Swaledale - £90 Low Old Shields, £77 Macherquhat
Lleyn - £70 Airy Holm
Herdwick - £49 Macherquhat

Herwick - £82 Macherquhat