Longtown Store & Breeding Sheep Sale Reports

C&D Auction Marts Ltd had forward 2,941 store hoggs, feeding ewes and cast rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Tuesday 11th March 2025.

Store Hoggs (2,666) – A large show of hill bred hoggs forward today consisting of 81% of the sale. A high demand for all classing of store hoggs here at Longtown as purchasers from up and down the country travel looking for numbers. Today’s top price was a fantastic Beltex hogg from R S Conley & Son, Barrasford Green, realising £174 this run of very well bred sheep went on to average a healthy £138.50 for 66 sold.

Feeding Ewes and Cast Rams (275) - A slightly larger show of feeding ewes was on offer this week with a lot more hill ewes forward. Top price of the day went to BW & GE Tailford, Beacon Rigg, for a first cross Texel ewe making £180.

Principal prices

Store Hoggs
Beltex - £174, £158, £152 Barrasford, £138 Beacon Rigg, £134 Northway, £122 Priestdykes
Cheviot Mule - £164 Barrasford, £137 East Hyndshawland, £110 Manfield
Texel - £160 Beacon Rigg, £158, £145, £142 Barrasford, £156 Wauchope, £156, £153, £140 Gillalees, £154 Girnwood, £152 Hamburn Hall, £149 Bloch, £146, £141 Fairnlee, £146 Black House, £144 Leafield, £144, £143 x3 Wester Walston, £141 Priestdykes, £141 Belzies
Dutch Spotted - £158, £132 East Hyndshawland
Blue Texel - £153 Barrasford
Blackface -  £152, £129, £115 Craig Douglas, £140 Bankhead of Tinwald, £128 Balmurrie, £127, £119 Reddis Hall, £127, £120 Barnvannoch, £120 Redesmouth, £119, £115 Lilburn Est, £116 Skelfhill, £114 Chanlockfoot
Hill Cheviot - £148, £135 Twislehope , £147, £139, £128, £112 Bloch, £137 Marwhirn, £137 Girnwood, £118 Skelfhill, £113 The Shaws, £112 Unthank
Charollais - £147 Nether Cargen
Suffolk – £142 Fairnlee,  £142, £136, £134 Nether Cargen, £140, £120 Bankhead of Tinwald, £139 Northway, £139, £138 East Hyndshawland, £130 Black House, £129 Skelfhill, £116 Manfield, £112 High House
North Country Cheviot - £139, £126, £125, £122, £120 Humbleheugh, £130, £129 x2 Barrasford, £130, £118 Pilmuir, £129  £115 Northway
Charmoise - £136 Nether Cargen
Cross - £134 Gillalees, £133, £128, £115 Coombe Cragg, £132 Fell View, £132, £129, £117Mollin, £131 Clonrae, £128 Stanhope Est, £119 Muirhead, £118 Belzies, £118 Beacon Rigg, £118 Northway, £118, £112 Hamburn Hall, £118 Marwhirn, £114 Broadmea, £112 Skelfhill, £112 Causey View
Blue Faced Leicester - £126, £122 Beacon Rigg
Swaledale - £112 Mollin, £105, £98, £86, £72 Broadmea, £88, £73 Lilburn, £85 Gill Head
Welsh Mountain - £91 Shankston
Herdwick - £58 Mosslands

Feeding Ewes and Cast Rams 

Principal prices

Feeding Ewes
Texel - £180, £138 Beacon Rigg, £150 Bankead of Tinwald, £130 Leafield, £122 Hamburn Hall, £120 Twislehope
Suffolk - £145 Twislehope
Cross - £138 Leafield, £114 Beacon Rigg, £104 Trades Court
Blackface - £132 Redesmouth, £86 Balmurrie
Hill Cheviot - £130 Marwhirn, £124, £100 Girnwood, £120 Dalhanna, £107 Twislehope, £107 Rowhope, £106 Unthank
Swaledale - £85 Beacon Rigg

Cast Rams
Texel - £155, £130 Bankhead of Tinwald, £132 Unthank
Blue Faced Leicester - £148 Beacon Rigg
Hill Cheviot - £130 Twislehope, £110 Unthank
Lonk - £113 Gill Head
Swaledale - £112 Beacon Rigg
Shetland - £86 Cairn House

For any enquiries contact our auctioneers
Daniel Lynn 07584 200489
John Walton 07880 527066
Joe Conley 0777 168 5073