The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart held their Annual Christmas
Show & Sale of 70 Prime Cattle in Dumfries on Wednesday 7th
December 2011.
Dumfries Christmas Cracker – to 350p per Kg
right to left; Robin Vevers of Frank Johnston Tractors Ltd, David Millar,
Andy Craig (Judge), Iain Millar
A Marvellous show of 16 Halter led cattle were presented to the Judge
A Craig, Ballard Butchers who found his Champion in a Home Bred British
Blue X Heifer from David Millar Trailflatt selling at 350p (£2100)
to M/S Fraser Butchers Stranraer, Reserve Champion was awarded to J & L
Craik, Waterside for a Home Bred Limousin Heifer which made 300p (£1710)
to M/S Ballard Butchers Castle Douglas.
Prize List
Class 1 Limousin Bullock
1st Waterside (620Kg) 226p to M/S Fraser Butchers, Stranraer
2nd Balgrayhill (630Kg) 224p to M/S Fraser Butchers, Stranraer
Class 2 Charolais Bullock
1st Greenfield (705Kg) 215p to M/S Hall, Smithfield
Class 3 Any other Continental Bullock
1st Trailflat (600Kg) 350p to M/S Fraser Butchers Stranraer
Class 4 Bullock Bred by Exhibitor
1st Waterside (690Kg) 218p to C Anderson
2nd Balgrayhill (515Kg) 240p to R Johnstone & Sons Butchers Annan
Class 5 Limousin Heifer
1st Waterside (570Kg) 300p to M/S Ballard Butchers Castle Douglas
2nd Gardrum (505Kg) 242p to J Kerr & Sons Butchers Gretna
3rd Gardrum (540Kg) 240p to R Johnstone & Sons Butchers Annan
Class 6 Any other Continental Heifer
1st Horseclose (500Kg) 229p to M/S John Scott Meats (Paisley) Ltd
2nd Finniness (470Kg) 226p to R Johnstone & Sons Annan
Class 7 Heifer Bred by Exhibitor
1st Upper Tinwald (540Kg) 225p to Border Meats Lockerbie
2nd Meikleholm (545Kg) 224p to Border Meats Lockerbie
Annandale Young Farmers Classes
Champion Trailflat (600Kg) 350p to M/S Fraser Butchers Stranraer
Opposite Sex to Champion Trailflat (640Kg) 224p to M/S Fraser Butchers
Best Limousin Meikleholm (545Kg) 224p to Border Meats Lockerbie
The show
was kindly sponsored by Frank Johnston (Tractors) Ltd and North West
Limousin Breeders Club
Outwith Show Principal Prices
British Blue to 225.5p, 223.5p Lantonside, 222.5p, 215.5p Bowhouse
Limousin to 214p Meikleholm, 212.5p Burnside, 211.5p Fauldingcleugh
Limousin 226.5p, 224.5p, 221.5p Balgrayhill, 224.5p Upper Tinwald, 224p
British Blue 222.5p Burnside
Simmental 217.5p Dinnans
A Small show of 10 Prime Bulls easily sold
Simmental 180.5p Barwinnock
Holstein 154.5p Kirktonfield
102 OTM Cattle – Trade remains firm for all types
Per Head Cows
Luing £1200, £1158.30 Craigdarroch
Limousin £1162, £992.25 Dinnans, £986.90 Birkshaw
Blonde £1019.25 Tower
Simmental £1084.20 Dinnans
Holstein Friesian £1039.50 Baltier, £984.25 Kerricks, £979.60
East Logan, £957.70 Kerricks, £922.25 Baltier
Bull Limousin £1129.70 Dinnans
Per Kilo Cows
Limousin 166p, 147p Dinnans, 142p Birkshaw
Luing 150p, 143p Craigdarroch
Simmental 139p Dinnans
Angus 135p Airds of Balcary
Blonde 135p Tower
Holstein 153p, 143p, 141p Baltersan, 128p Baltier, 127p Barwinnock, 127p
(x2) No 1 Todholes, 126p Baltier, 125p (x2) Baltersan, 124p east Logan
Bull Limousin 143p Dinnans
1537 Lambs forward – despite being a mixed show for quality lambs
met their dearest trade of the season selling to a top of 232p for Texel
Crosses from WJ Keaning, Dempsterton. Top price per head was £107.50
for Texel Crosses from Mr N Robertson, East Kirkcarsewell. Overall average
for sale was 213.4p
Light Lambs (25.5-32Kg) Top 208p ave 204p
Texel £65.50 Woodfoot
Blackface £64.50 Leithenhall, £55.50 Marbrack
Standard Lambs (32.1-39Kg) Top 232p ave 213.1p
Suffolk £88 New Farm, £86 Springfield, £85.50 Ford
Texel £90.50 Dempsterton, £89 Kenmuir, £86.50 New Farm
Cross £89 BQ Farms, £78.50 Glenlaugh, £77.50 Abune the
Blackface £81.50 Talla, £74.50 Merkland, £73.50 Marbrack, £73.50
Lleyn £85.20, £85 (x3) Bennan
Isle d France £80 Burrance of Courance
Medium Lambs (39.1-45.5Kg) Top 232p ave 218.2p
Suffolk £97.50 Eastside, £96.50 Shawhill, £96.50 Springfield, £96.50
Texel £99 Cocklicks, £98 old Mosside, £96.50 Eastside, £96.50
Blackface £87.50 (x2) Talla, £85 Sweetshawhead, £82.50
Half Bred £91, £88, £86.50 Marwhirn
Cross £86 Corsencon, £81.50 Over Abington, £80 Ford
Heavy Lambs (45.6-52Kg) Top 212p ave 204.2p
Suffolk £100 Townhead, £98.50 Eastside, £97.50 West Skelston, £93.50
Upper Barr, £93 Lanarkland
Texel £100 Lanarkland, £100, £99, £98.50 Carsegowan, £99.50
Super Heavy lambs (52.1 + over)
Suffolk £97.50 Abune the Brae
Texel £107.50 East Kirkcarsewell
403 Cast Ewes & Rams and Trade
again dearer on the week by about £5
per head. Top prices
Heavy Ewes
Leicester £123.50 Macqueston
Lleyn £84.50 Summerhill
Highland £86.50 BQ Farms
Texel £117.50 Hayfield, £112.50 Park, £112.50 Lanarkland, £110.50
Suffolk £97.50 Lanarkland
Cross £95.50 Foregirth, £93.50 Wynholm Farms, £93.50
Hayfield, £92.50 Kirkbride
Half Bred £89.50 Cushag, £84.50 East Kirkcarsewell
Chev Mule £90.50 Springfield
Light Ewes
Blackface £77.50, £72.50 Macqueston, £76.50 Foregirth, £72
Wyliehole, £68.50 Fardingjames
Swale £70.50 Wynholm
Texel £132.50, £124.50 Park, £118.50 Hayfield
Charollais £118.50 Wynholm Farms
Leicester £104.50, £95.50 Barr
Blackface £64.50 Marbrack
Overall Heavy Ewes averaged £87.13
Overall Light Ewes averaged £60.24 |