The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart held their weekly sale
of primestock in Dumfries on Wednesday 23rd January 2013.
Prime Cattle – Trade
steady greater numbers required weekly.
Sale average 212.4p or (379p D/W @ 56%)
Bullocks Limousin to 223.5 p from Kenmuir Farmers, Ardwell to M/s Whannell,
Top Gross Bullock £1285.13 Kenmuir
Heifers Limousin to 221.5p, from
D & R Cornthwaite, Balgrayhill all
to M/s Mogerley Butchers, Dumfries, 219.5p Balgrayhill, Lockerbie to
M/s Whannel, Shotts, 218.5p (x2) Kenmuir Ardwall to Grierson Bros Butchers
Castle Douglas.
Top Gross Heifer £1304.93 Balgrayhill
5 Bulls all dairy to 160p
Conheath or £1072
50 OTM Cattle – Trade
firmer for all classes.
Per Head
Limousin to £1185.75 Gairloch
Charolais to £1185 Barluith
Simmental to £1123.75 Boreland
Blonde to £1183.75 Gairloch
Angus to £1100.25 Tinwald Shaws
Holstein to £910.20 Rigghead
Per Kilo
Limousin to 155p Gairloch
Charolais to 150p Barluith
Simmental to 145 Boreland
Holstein to 123 Riggheads
Blonde to 130p Shangan
Angus to 135p Tinwald Shaws
The firm had forward 627 Prime Hoggs at
their sale at Dumfries.
Prime Hoggs :- Trade similar to last week with
plainer sorts and out of spec weights meeting a slow demand. Top price
of 172 p/k for Beltex crosses from Mr W Barbour, Carsgowan. Highest price
per head £67
for texel crosses from Firm of R Laird, East Polquhirter, New Cumnock.
Overall average 142.6 p/k .
Top prices
Light Hoggs (25.5 – 32 KG) Top 127 Av. 127p
N C C £38 Archwood
Standard Hoggs (32.1 – 39 kg) Top 172p
Av 139.8
Suffolk £50 Outertown
Cheviot £45 Craiglearan
Cross £48.5 Woodhouse
N C C £49.5, £47.5 Archwood
Texel £62.5 Woodhouse Bungalow, £59 Riggheads, £51.5
Airds of Balcary
Blackface £43.5 Merkland.
Beltex £67 Carsgowan
Lleyn £50 Maxwelltown
Medium Hoggs (39.1 – 45.5) Top 163p
Av 144.8p
Suffolk £60, £65.5 Townhead, £60 Lanarkland, £58.5
Texel £67 East Polquhirter, £66.80 Cocklicks, £66.5
Carsgowan, £65.5 Lanarkland
Cross £57.5, £52.80 Riggheads, £52 Belzies
Blackface £52.5 Sweetshawhead, Merkland
Heavy Hoggs (46 + over)
Suffolk £60 Barshill
Charolias £56 Riggheads
Cross £58.5, £57 Maxwelltown
Smaller show of 163 Cast
Ewes & Rams forward. Better
show for quality which reflected on a slightly stronger trade.
Texel £83.50, £75.50 Druidhall, £68.50 Cocklicks.
Cross £54.50 Druidhall, £54.50 Barshill, £51.50 Maryfield
Suffolk £74.50 Druidhall
Charolais £60.50 Rigg Heads
Blackface £44.50, Airds of Balcray, £42.50 Maxwelltown, £41.50
Lleyn £49.50 Bogue, £48.50 Maxwelltown
Rams Suffolk £77.50 Maxwelltown
Texel £66.50 Archwood, £60.00 Maxwelltown
Blackface £41.50 Sweetshawhead
corresponding week 2012 sale report