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The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart held their weekly sale of primestock in Dumfries on Wednesday 8th May 2013.

43 Prime Cattle – Trade remains firm to average 227.8p or (406.8p @ 56% D/W)

British Blue to 252.5p from R McKelvey Burnside to Border Meats Lockerbie.
Limousin to 247.5p Waterside Haugh of Urr to R Johnstone & Sons Butchers Annan, 245.5p Waterside Haugh of Urr to Grierson Bros Butchers Castle Douglas
Charolais to 244.5p Merrick Portpatrick to Border Meats Lockerbie.
Top Gross Heifer £1475.20 Outertown

Limousin to 243.5p, 241.5p, 240.5p from J & L Craik Waterside to Border Meats Lockerbie and C Anderson
Top Gross Bullock £1623.38 Waterside

43 OTM Cattle – more feeding cows on offer trade brisk

Per Head
Limousin to £1328.45 Boreland, £1327.70 Snade
Angus to £1250.60 Snade, £1210.75 Woodcroft
Hereford to £1047.75 Greenmerse, £1033.50 Woodcroft
Holstein Friesian to £1216.60, £1185.75 Smallholmburn, £1106.25 Kerricks

Per Kilo
Limousin to 187p Snade, 174p Waterside
Angus to 169p Snade, 167p Woodcroft
Hereford to 165p Woodcroft, 159p Greenmerse
Holstein Friesian to 177p, 170p Kerricks, 154p, 153p Smallholmburn, 145p Boreland

591 Prime Sheep – Fleshed hoggs easily sold and scarce
Sale average 205.2p

Per Head
Texel to £120.50, £106.50 Shancastle, £107, £106.50 Auchengray, £103.50 Little Culloch
Suffolk to £106.50, £106 Lanarkland, £103.50 Auchengray
Blackface to £101.50, £90.50 Fingland

Per kilo
Texel to 247p Shancastle, 237p Auchengray
Cheviot to 230p Rigghead, 230p Little Culloch
Blackface to 236p Dalpeddar, 221p Fingland, 218 Nunnerie

25 Spring Lambs – First of the Season met keen competition to average 245.3p
Per Head
Texel to £114 Merrick
Charollais to £107.50 Loaningfoot

Per Kilo
Texel to 254.4p Merrick
Charollais to 245.3p Rigghead

349 Cast Ewes & Rams forward again sold to high rates with Mule Ewes & Tups being dearer on the week, more ewes required

Texel £95.50 Bankhead of Tinwald, £93.50 Hayfield, £92.50 The Stables, £92.50 Farthingwell
Beltex £88.50 Nether Gribton
Suffolk £78.50 Merrick
NCC £84.50 Archbank, £65.80 Capelfoot
Leicester £93.50 Tower, £93.50 Foregirth
Mule £76.50 The Stables, £75.50 Hayfield, £74.50 Bankhead of Tinwald, £73.50 Hastingshall
Blackface £61.50 Foregirth, £51.50 Nether Gribton
Rams Texel £134.50 Bankhead of Tinwald
Leicester £117.50 Archbank
Cheviot £99.50 Bankhead of Tinwald
Charollais £88.50 Drumcruilton
Beltex £90 Drumcruilton

Heavy Ewes averaged £74.50
Light Ewes averaged £39.80

corresponding week 2012 sale report

Dumfries Mart, Huntingdon Road, Dumfries DG1 1NF Tel : 01387 279495
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