The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart had their weekly Sale
of Store Sheep in Dumfries on Friday 4th December 2009.
875 Forward
Trade was the dearest of the season and a large crowd was present. The
top price of £66 was paid for a pen of Texel Crosses from Messrs
J Mcmillian, Ballaggan
Top Prices
Texel £66, £60.50 Ballaggan, £61.50 Castlefairn, £59
Barbuie, £59, £54 Bogue, £57 Upper Barr
Beltex £65 Dalhanna
Suffolk £64 Upper Barr, £61, £59 Barbuie, £58.50
Bogue, £54 Castle Fairn
Cross £59.50 Balgrennan, £54.50 Upper Barr, £54 Bogue, £52.50
NCC £59, £56, £50 Dalhanna
Blackface £58.50 Dalhanna, £50 Upper Barr, £47.80 Bridgemark, £45.50
Auchenhessnane, £44.80 Upper Barr
Cheviot £52 Glengeith, £52, £43 Crookedstane
Cheviot Ewe Lambs £51 Clenries
Cheviot Feeding Ewes £46.50 Hastingshall
Blackface Feeding Ewes £37 Hastingshall