Dumfries Sale of Scotch Mule Ewe Lambs and Gimmers
C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their Annual Show and Sale of Scotch Mule Ewe Lambs and Gimmers in Dumfries on Friday 25th August 2017.
1465 Ewe Lambs Forward – Lambs were generally smaller on the year and very much in demand with numbers short of a full ring side of buyers needs.
Trade Levelled at £98.32 (+£4.28)
Champion Ewe Lambs
Reserve Champion Ewe Lambs
Craig Goldie, Skipmyre was the days judge and expertly found his champion pen from D.B Fleming, Nesbit which sold for £130 to M/s Stewart, Halldykes.
Reserve ticket was awarded to Steven Guild, Ashmark making £128.
Principal Prices
Mule to £130, £120, £106 Nisbet, £128, £116 Ashmark, £118, £115 Barr, £118 Clonrae, £110, £109 Ardoch.
2623 Gimmers Forward – Gimmers were shown in full bloom with all classes meeting plenty of demand to level at £136.64 (+3.64)
Champion Gimmers
Reserve Champion Gimmers
The days best pen was awarded to H & A Hiddleston, Park selling at £186 to the Judge.
The Reserve ticket was won by W Morton & Son, Grennan selling at £182
Breeding Ewes Texel (2/3 Crop) to £126 Kerricks.
Principal Prices
Texel Gimmers to £154 Shangan, £142 Tarra, £140 Lochhouse
Half Bred to £138 Marwhirn
Mule to £186, £154, £152 Park, £182, £156 (x2) Grennan, £160 Crookboat, £155 Lawesknowe, £152 Clonrae, £152 Coatston
Cheviot Mule to £146 Boreland