Monday 28th July 2008
Sale of Store and Breeding Cattle
Cumberland & Dumfriesshire
Farmers Mart Plc held their Fortnightly Sale of Store & Breeding Cattle
in Dumfries on Monday 28th July 2008
137 Store Cattle Forward trade sharper for all classes mainly stronger
Limousin Bullocks to 160.7 Bush of Craigs
Angus to 158.5 Lotts
Charolais to 153.8 Sandrian
Sale Average 137.6p
Charolais X Heifers to 153.7 Skemrigghead
Limousin to 151.7 Cushag
British Blue to 143.8 Cushag
Sale Average 131.7p
Angus Bulls to 145.7 Upper Rigg
Blonde to 143.8 Cushag
Simmental to 141.4 Upper Rigg
Sale Average 137.9p
Principal Prices per Head
Limousin £772 Beastockrigg, £652 Skemrigghead
British Blue £692 Skemrigghead
Angus £700 Shambellie Grange, £630 Patervan
Ayrshire £688 Skemrigghead
Charolais £670 Netherhall, £640 Sandrain
Norwegian Red £658 Skemrigghead
Holstein £628 Farding James, £622 Skemrigghead
Limousin £772, £750 Cushag, £680 Beastockrigg
British Blue £755 Cushag
Charolais £750 Beastockrigg, £740 Skemrigghead
Blonde £920, £800 Hightown of Craigs
Angus £550 Shambellie Grange
Simmental £510 Upper Rigg
64 Breeding Cattle Including the Dispersal of the herd
belonging to the Executors of Lord Monro of Langholm , Williamwood, Annan.
A good sound trade prevailed selling to a top of £1240 for a Charolais
X Cow with Charolais Bull Calf Selling to Mr S Carlisle, Nether Dargavel
Top Prices Stock Cows: £1240, £1060, £1040, £980, £970
Williamwood, Annan 42 Cows & Calves averaged £805 Overall Angus
Heifers & Calves £820, £800, £690 Mosslands Angus Cows & Calves £870
New Farm Simmental Cows In Calf £620 Mossburn