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Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC held their sale of store cattle in Dumfries on Monday 1st December 2008.

231 Forward – Trade remained good
Charolais X Bullocks to 175p Woodhead Auldgirth
Sale Average 140.3p
Simmental X Heifers to 170p Glenzier Gardens, Canonbie
Sale Average 141.2p
Simmental X Bulls to 150p Glenzier Gardens
Sale average 138.3p

Bullocks per Head
Limousin to £848 Limekilns, £708 Blountfield, £690, £685 Kirkbride, £678 Seafield
Simmental £730 Seafield, £690 Sandrian
Charolais £690, £678 Hillowton, £650 Nether Locharwoods, £612 Woodhead
Angus £670 Kirkbride
British Blue £610 Nether Locharwood
Holstein £588 Hillowton

Heifers per Head
Limousin £765 Limekilns, £585 Eastlands
Charolais £660, £625, £595 Bogue, £620 Hillowton, £572 Woodcroft
Blonde £585 Eastlands
Angus £535 Little Cloak, £518 New Farm

26 young calves forward to a plentiful ringside of buyers

Principal Prices
Limousin Bull £230, £210, £180 (2 months) Trailflatt
Holstein Bull £125 (2 months) Hartfield, £105 (2 months) Trailflatt, £105 (3 months) Greigsland
Limousin Heifers £150, £100 (2months) Trailflatt
British Blue Heifer £150 (2 months) Trailflatt

Dumfries Mart, Huntingdon Road, Dumfries DG1 1NF Tel : 01387 279495
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