Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC held their Show & Sale
of store cattle in Dumfries on Monday 23rd March 2009.
351 Cattle
The judge Mr W Purdon, Stravenhouse, Carluke awarded
the best bullock to Mr W McKie, High Threave and backed his judgement
by purchasing it for £960.
Champion British Blue X Bullock 15 month old,
465 Kg, Picture Left to Right S Ferguson (Sponsored by Carrs
Billington) and Mr W McKie, High Threave |
Other awards
Best Bullock – 1st W McKie, High Threave, 2nd Nairn, Burnton
Best Heifer – 1st W McKie, High Threave, 2nd I Fitzsimon,
Champion – W McKie, High Threave
Best pen of 4 - I Fitzsimon, Sunnyhill
Trade for all classes remained
very brisk selling to a top pf 230.8p for bullocks from Messrs
H & W McKie, High Threave. Heifers
topped at 210p for Limousin crosses from R Anderson, Ardoch.
priced per head was £960 for a Limousin Bullock for H & W
Mckie, High Threave. Top priced Heifer was £920 for an Aberdeen
Angus from M & S Wilson, Newbank
Top Prices per Head
Limousin £960, £825 High Threave, £890 Barbuie, £890
Burnton, £880 Bush of Craigs
Simmentals £950, £920 Barbuie, £870 Sunnyhill
Angus £870 Sunnyhill
Angus £920, £860 Newbank
Limousin £865 High Townhead, £800 Bridgestone, £790, £785
British Blue £750 High Threave
Friesian £750 No 2 Kilfillan
Charolais £710, £700 Cormaddie
Young bulls
Limousin £705
Top prices per
Limousin 210p, 192p Ardoch, 206.5p, 186p, 186p High Threave, 190p
Burnton, 188p Glenlaugh
Charolais 186p Ballinnie
Simmental 185p Sunnyhill
British Blue 230.8p High Threave
Limousin 205.6p, 187.3p Cormaddie
Charolais 187.3p Cormaddie
Weaned Calves £130 (x4) Kilfillan
Angus Calves (2-5weeks) £160 (x6) Brickhouse
Friesian Calves (2 weeks) £35 Kerricks