Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC held their fortnightly
Sale of store cattle in Dumfries on Monday
8th March 2010.
384 Cattle Forward – Trade remained firm for both dairy and
suckler bred cattle. A full ringside of both local and distant
buyers were in attendance.
Bullocks per kilo
Limousin X to 221.3p Mark Farm, 216p Kirkblane
Charolais to 213.8p Auchengruith, 198.4p Knocksheen
Angus to 203.2p Mark, 200.4p Hillend
Sale average 176.8p
Bullocks per head
Blonde to £930 Eastlands, £735 Kirkblane
Simmental to £925 Shawhill, £910 Butterdales, £905, £895, £880
Limousin to £880 Barbuie, £828 Beastockrigg, £825
Potholm, £775 Uppermoor, £758 Ballaggan, £735
Cushag, £820 Eastlands, £815, £785 Meikleholm, £760
Mark, £775, £760 Kilnford Croft
Angus £865, £770 Potholm, £838 Beastockrigg, £780
Uppermoor, £710 Williamston, £768 Fardingjames, £775
Holstein Friesian to £840, £802 Hillhead, £750
Shawhill, £670 Ballaggan
Charolais to £820, £800 Cormaddie, £815 Meikleholm, £805
Eastside, £770 Kirkblane
Heifers per kilo
Charolais to 214.3p Killymingan, 207p Knocksheen
Limousin to 198.6p Mark, 192p Kirkblane
Blonde to 188.6p Eastside, 185.2p Kirkblane
Heifers per head
Charolais to £900, £725 Killymingan, £900 Hightownhead, £850
Potholm, £760 Eastside
Limousin to £900 Hightownhead, £840, 3815 Longrigg, £800
Kirkbride, £788, £718 Cushag, £745 Hillend, £720
British Blue to £852 Braehead, £710 Hillend
Angus to £840, £825 Braehead, £730 Uppermoor
Simmental to £815, £780 Longrigg, £750 Hightownhead
Blonde £768 Eastside
Bulls per kilo
Charolais to 202.2p Ampherlaw
Limousin to 190.9p Ampherlaw
Sale average 170.6p
Bulls per head
Charolais £655 Ampherlaw
85 Breeding Cattle and 24 young Calves Forward
Breeding Cattle – Large
crowd of buyers present and sound trade prevailed . Top prices
Limousin Cows & Calves - £1700, £1320, £1280, £1180
Blonde Cows & Calves - £1420 Kirkblane
British Blue Cows & Calves - £1500 Barsalloch
Angus Cows & Calves - £1100 Kirkblane
In Calf Limousin Heifers - £1350, £1200, £1120
Shawfield, £1120 (x3) Barquhar
In Calf Limousin Cows - £1250, £1000 Kirkblane
In Calf Simmental Heifers - £1120, £1050 Shawfield
In Calf Blonde Cows - £1200 Kirkblane
In Calf British Blue Heifers - £1000 Barquhar