Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC held their fortnightly
Sale of store cattle in Dumfries on Monday
22nd March 2010 which
included their annual show kindly sponsored by Burdens.
The judging
of the show was expertly carried out by David Morgan, Almeley who
made the following awards:-
1. Best Single Beast (for Tarff Valley
Rosebowl) to L & N Shuttleworth,
Dumburn with a 10mo British Blue Bullock which realised £860.
Best Pen (for Carrs Billington Trophy) to Messrs G & T Fitzsimon,
Sunnyhill with 12mo Limousin Bullocks which realised £885.
Best Single Beast |
Best Pen |
with Sale – Trade continues to be good with a full attendance
of both local and distant buyers present more summering cattle
Limousin Bullocks to 231.3p Ardoch, 224.2p Drumburn
British Blue to 220.9p Drumburn
Charolais to 216.7p Ampherlaw, 210.3p Woodhead
Sale average 176.5p
Limousin Heifers to 236.5p High Threave 216.8p
Bush of Craigs
Angus to 228.4p Braehead, 207.5p Barquhar
Charolais to 216.8p Bush of Craigs, 200p Martingirth
Sale average 173.8p
Blonde Bulls to 211p Barquhar
Simmental to 200p Barquhar
Limousin to 198.4p Nithside
Sale average 194.4p
Bullocks per head
Angus to £1040 Baltier, £950 Eastlands, £890
Sunnyhill, £840, £780 Shawfield, £855 Castlefairn, £790
Limousin to £1000, £960 Eastlands, £892 Barbuie, £885
Sunnyhill, £845, £800 Shawfield, £790 Cariglearen, £865
Butterdales, £880 Hall of Drumpark, £830 Castle Fairn,
960 Burnton
Blonde to £960 Eastlands, £795 Drumburn, £935, £830
High Threave
Charolais to £960, £895, £885 Longbeoch, £780
Woodhead, £850, £805 Barwhanny, £840 Foregirth
Simmental to £892, £885, £865 Barbuie, £795
Eastside, £825, £805 Longrigg
British Blue to £805 Shawfield, £775 Cushag, £860, £790
Holstein to £680 Hightae
Shorthorn £680 Ryehill
Heifers per Head
Limousin to £895 High Threave, £870 Barwhanny, £840
Longrigg, £730 Kilnford Croft, £680 Coatston, £722, £715
Cormaddie, £760 Drumburn
Simmental £885, £845 Longrigg, £725 Butterdales
Charolais £870, £760 Barwhanny, £830 Coatston, £665
Justinlees, £752, £730 Cormaddie, £800, £760
Martingirth, £755 Bogue
Angus £845, £835, £800 Braehead, £830 Sunnyhill, £705
Blonde £830 Eastlands
British Blue £825 Braehead, £675 Cushag, £710
Limousin £675 Nithside
Shorthorn £670 Ryehill
The firm had 32 young Calves forward
at their fortnightly sale in Dumfries on Monday. All classes sold
well and more needed.
Top prices
Simmental X - £345 Buittle Mains
Shorthorn X - £200 Brickhouse
Friesian - £190 Beuchan
Swedish Red - £90 Over Langshaw