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Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC held their Fortnightly Sale of Store Cattle in Dumfries on Monday 2nd April 2012.

279 Forward – Trade remains steady for all classes
178 Bullocks to 241.9p ave 213.9p and £1235
101 Heifers to 232.6p ave 208.2p and £1195

Principal prices

Simmental £1235 (x2), £1070 (x3), £1040 (x2) Barbuie
Limousin £1125 Glenjaan, £1120 Barbuie, £1115 Butterdales, £980 (x5) Tregallon
Charolais £1070 Woodcroft, £960 (x2) Glenjaan, £920 (x9) Netherfield

Charolais £1195 (x2) Netherfield, £955 Woodside, £850 (x3) Gibbonhill
Limousin £960 Tregallon, £945 (x3) Ballaggan, £930 Tregallon
British Blue £900 Woodcroft, £825 (x3) Harwood

Per kilo

Charolais 241.9p Cormaddie, 236p Netherfield
Limousin 241.9p Cormaddie, 237.5p Rashgill

Charolais 232.6p Ampherlaw, 225p Nisbet
British Blue 230.8p Woodcroft
Limousin 220.8p Dempsterton

Dumfries Mart, Huntingdon Road, Dumfries DG1 1NF Tel : 01387 279495
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