Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC held their fortnightly
sale of 786 store cattle in Dumfries, on Monday
15th October 2012, which included the annual
show & sale
of suckled calves.
426 Spring Born Calves – Best quality
calves met keen competition whilst secondary sorts met less appeal,
Calves generally smaller on year.
174 Bullocks to 248.6p ave 216.8p
and £1060
206 Heifers to 250p ave 194.3p and £840
52 Bulls to 227.6p ave 201.2p and £660
Best Beast – I & I Shuttleworth, Martingirth
x Bullock £1060 (450Kg)
Prior to the sale the calf show was judges by Hugh Dunlop, Holehouse
who made the following award:
Best Beast – I & I Shuttleworth,
Martingirth with Limousin x Bullock £1060 (450Kg)
Best Pen – T & T Anderson, Guelt with Charolais Bullocks £1060
Principal Prices per Head Calves
Charolais £1060 (x3), £950 (x2) Dornal, £880
(x2) Carsegowan, £870 (x3) Martingirth
Simmental £900, £800 (x3) Chanlockfoot, £725
Limousin £1060 Martingirth, £870 Greenbrae, £800
British Blue £830 Palaceknowe, £740 (x6) Drumburn
Charolais £670 (x7) Guelt, £620 (x10) Martingirth, £640
(x11) Auchengruith
Simmental £615 (x2) Chanlockfoot
British Blue £840, 3700 (x5) Drumburn
Limousin £675 (x2) Tundergarth Mains, £675 West Crosslee
Bulls Charolais £635 (x3) Upper Rigg
Simmental £590 Courance
Limousin £660 Courance
Calves per kilo
Charolais 248.6p Martingirth, 242.4p,
237.8p, 234.9p Carsegowan
Simmental 221.1p, 219.7p Courance
Limousin 248p Courance, 232.8p Ardoch, 231.7p West Crosslee
British Blue 227.7p Drumburn
British Blue 250p Drumburn
Charolais 200p Martingirth
Limousin 204.5p West Crosslee
Limousin 227.6p Courance
Charolais 209.8p Upper Rigg
360 Store Cattle – Trade firm
for best types
127 Bullocks to 216.8p ave 191.8p and £1140
56 Holstein Bullocks to 177.8p ave 132.6p and £880
167 Heifers to 224.1p ave 175.1p and £1210
10 Bulls to 225p ave 186.6p and £990
Principal Prices
Limousin £1140, £1095, £1070
(x2), £1045, £1005
North Bowerhouses, £1030 (x2) Foregirth, £1020 (x6), £1000
(x4) Kirkbride, £910 Glenjaan
Charolais £1020, £990 Highlaw, £960 (x2) Foregirth, £945
Borgue House
Simmental £1005 (x4) Kirkbride, £960 Highlaw, £935
Galloway £1015 Landis
Montbelliard £1000 (x2) Kirkbride
Angus £975 (x4) Kirkbride, £940 Glenjaan, £950
Holstein £880, £770 Baltier
Charolais £1210 (x2), £1040 (x4), £985
(x7) Newmains, £930 Borgue House, £890 (x2) Highlaw
Limousin £1040 (x2) Newmains, £940 (x7) Edingham, £920
(x4) Landis, £895 (x4) Landis
Blonde £1055, £905 Foregirth
Angus £1055 Borgue House, £870 Laught Mains, £845
(x2) Airds of Balcary
Simmental £880, £860 (x3) Borgue House
Bulls Charolais £905 Foregirth
Limousin £990 Foregirth
Angus £760 Maryfield