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Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC held their fortnightly sale of store cattle which included their Spring Sale of Organic Status Cattle in Dumfries on Monday 15th April 2013.

120 Organic Status Cattle forward maintaining recent rates whilst grazing sorts felt the effect of the shortage of grass and fodder.
47 Organic Bullocks ave 234.3p to 285.7p and £1100
63 Organic Heifers ave 219.1p to 283p and £950

Per Head
Angus to £1100, £1020 Garvald Home Farm
Shorthorn to £1090 Garvald Home Farm
Charolais to £1000, £975 Craignarget
Montbelliard x to £975 Gillespie
Limousin to £820 Cumberhead

Limousin to £950 Cumberhead
Charolais to £885 Gillespie
Swedish Red to £865 Outer Blair
Angus to £750 Broadfield

Per Kilo
Charolais to 285.7p Craignarget
Shorthorn to 272.5p Garvald Home Farm
Angus to 258.2p Garvald Home Farm
Limousin to 247.1p Cumberhead
Galloway to 243.6p Askerton Castle

Limousin to 283p Broadfield
Angus to 283p Broadfield

268 Non Organic Cattle Forward
175 Bullocks ave 216.5p to 250p and £1300
93 Heifers ave 195.1p to 246.6p and £1020

Principal Prices Bullocks
Angus to £1300 No 6 Howes, £1065 Cormaddie
British Blue to £1220, £1040 No 3 Woodhall, £1005 Cormaddie
Limousin to £1205 No 6 Howes, £1145 Dempsterton, £1115 No 6 Howes, £1085 No3 Woodhall
Charolais to £1145 Lochanhead, £940 Cormaddie
Simmental to £1110 Sandrian

Limousin to £1020 Ballaggan, £850 North Corbelly
Charolais to £975 Lochanhead, £875 Foregirth
Angus to £900 North Corbelly, £840 Beastockrigg

Per Kilo Bullocks
Limousin to 250p Courance
Angus to 243.7p Dalswinton
Hereford to 243.1p Brandyburn
Simmental to 240.4p Courance
Charolais to 234p Cormaddie

Blonde to 246.6p Brandyburn
Charolais to 229.4p Lochanhead
Limousin to 226.7p Ballaggan

Dumfries Mart, Huntingdon Road, Dumfries DG1 1NF Tel : 01387 279495
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