Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC held their fortnightly
sale of store cattle in Dumfries on Monday
2nd September 2013.
350 Forward – Trade for all classes sharper. Full ringside of both
local and distant buyers in attendance
223 Bullocks averaged 230.5p to 283.8p
and £1400
73 Holstein Friesian Bullocks averaged 164.3p to 190p and £960
Heifers averaged 220.5p to 260.5p and £1120
Principal prices
Hereford to £1400, £1130 (x6) Barwhanny
Charolais to £1190 (x2), £1130 (x5) Westlanegate, £1150
(x2), £1090 (x6) Dalswinton, £1130 (x2) Trolane
Angus to £1280 (x9), £1210 (x2), £1140 (x6) Barwhanny, £1160
Trolane, £1110 Kirkbride, £1105 Boreland of Southwick
Limousin to £1120 Sunnyhill, £1085 (x7) Birkshaw, £1070
(x4) Sunnyhill, £1065 (x4) Edingham, £1055 (x6) Birkshaw
Simmental £1085 (x2), 1045 (x4), £1025 (x3) Borgue House, £1025
(x5) Kirkbride
Stabiliser £1075 (x4), £1065 (x6) South Mains
British Blue to £1130, £1020 Trolane
Shorthorn to £1085 Borgue House
Holstein to £960 (x10) Park, £760 (x2) Sunnyhill, £750
(x3) Fostermeadow
Limousin to £1120 Newmains, £1065 (x2) Birkshaw, £1055
(x4) Newmains
Simmental to £1005 Bush of Craigs, £915 (x3) Borgue House
Angus to £1065 Barwhanny
British Blue to £985 (x3) Shenrick
Charolais to £920 (x7) Netherfield
Per Kilo
Limousin to 283.9p Birkshaw
Charolais to 252.2p Dalswinton
Simmental to 237.5p Borgue House
Angus to 246.8p Boreland of Southwick
Stabiliser to £231.5p South Mains
Hereford to 222.2p Barwhanny
Holstein to 190.6p Park
Limousin to 260.5p Newmains
Charolais to 232.9p Netherfield
Simmental to 220.8p Bush of Craigs
British Blue to 221.3p Shenrick |