Machinery Sale Report

The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers’ Mart plc held their quarterly Summer sale of machinery and implements, on Monday 9th June 2014. A fantastic show of quality items was forward to a massive crowd of both local and distant buyers from as far as Northern Ireland and Aberdeenshire, where all items sold extremely well. Included in the sale as the dispersal sale on behalf of S & R Ingham, Redkirk.


Merlo P40.7 Handler - £18,100.
Deutz Tractor Agrofarm 100 - £17,000.
Renault Ceres 85X Tractor - £6,600.
PZ210 Mower - £1,400.
Malgar 1300 Tanker - £1,100.
Wylie Shear Grab - £680.
Scraper - £380.


Case SM94 KPK MYU110 - £14,000.
Bobcat 753 - £4,900.
Marshall 21ft Trailer - £2,700.
Griffiths Trailer - £2,500.
Ford 5000 Tractor - £2,300.
Ford 7710 Tractor - £2,100.
Marshall Bale Trailer - £2,000.
18ft Cattle Trailer - £1,800.
David Brown 1290 Tractor - £1,700.
17ft Flat Trailer - £1,600.
4 Ton Tipping Trailer - £1,400.
Graham Edwards Trailer - £1,400.
Bale Trailer - £1,200.
Tarrup Mower - £1,050.
Tractor Wheels & Weights - £920.
Kverneland Wrapper - £900.
John Deere 342 Baler - £900.
Isuzu Trooper - £900.
Ritchie Bale Squeezer - £880.
Ifor Williams Trailer - £880.
Honda Quad 250 - £800, £650.
Krone Baler - £750.
MF Baler - £650.
Buckrake - £620.
PZ Haybob - £600.
JF Mower - £600.
Krone 10ft Conditioner - £600.
Muck Grab - £550.
MK10-T Jones Square Baler - £500.
Sulky Drill - £500.
McHale Bale Squeeze - £480.
Amazon Fert Spinner - £420.
PZ Mower - £420.
Fertiliser Spinner - £420.
John Deere Weights - £360.
Sub Soiler - £360.
Roller - £360.
Uniform 165 Mower - £350.
Ritchie Sliding Crush Door - £310.
Quicke Grab - £300.
Major Topper - £300.