The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward
46 prime cattle, 18 OTM cattle, 3,579 prime lambs and 4,678 cast ewes & rams
at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 24th
July, 2008.
A small show of clean cattle, due to the good weather, saw all classes
dearer on the week. Top price of 185.5p and 181.5p for Limousin heifers
from Messrs R. Neill, Upper Tinwald and purchased by W. Kirkup & Sons,
Butchers, Longtown and Maurice Wharton Meats Ltd. Heavy Charolais
heifers from T. Armstrong & Son, Sceughdyke to 175.5p. Limousin
bullocks from A. & W.J. Taylor & Son, Dashwellgreen sold
to 183.5p and 181.5p to Messrs Nattrass, Butcher and Border Meats,
Lockerbie, others to 177.5p Hallburn, 173.5p, 173.5p and 168.5p Dashwellgreen;
Charolais 169.5p and 164.5p Hallburn. Limousin bullocks from Hallburn
sold to £1,153; Belgian Blue £1,125 Sceughdyke. Charolais
heifers £1,105 Sceughdyke; Limousin £1,103 Upper Tinwald.
OTM cattle were also dearer. Limousin bullocks to 128.5p and 122.5p
Black House, 127.5p Brisco Hill. Limousin cows to 124.5p Cambeck
Hill, 117.5p Blindhillbush; Shorthorn 116.5p, 115.5p Cambeck Hill;
Charolais 114.5p Enzieholm; Black & White 103.5p Stonewall.
The 3,579 prime lambs met a rising trade throughout the day, with
38 kilo + lambs in short supply to meet demand. Overall average 131.2p.
The sale was topped at £75.80 for Texels from Messrs Sutherland,
Carran, Thurso and to 152.5p per kilo for Beltex lambs from Messrs
Park, Stonehouse, Gretna. Texel £68.50 Rosehill, £65
Bankhead; Suffolk £65.80 Sceughdyke, £63.20 Justicetown, £61.20
Barnglies; Beltex £57.80, £57.20 Mouldy Hills;Half Bred £56.20
High Moat; Charollais £54.80 Knowe Farm, £53.80 Redgate
Head; Greyface £53.20 Whitedyke, £52.20 High House; Cheviot
Mule £50.20 Commonside; Blackface £50 Coshogle; North
Country Cheviot £48.20 Commonside; Swaledale £44.20 Morley
The 1,187 lightweight lambs were another large show with well
fleshed types easily sold. Top of £48.80 for Texels from Stonehouse,
others £45.80 Murtholm; Charollais £47.80 Clonrae; Suffolk £46.20
Commonside, £46.20 Lustruther; Greyface £44.20 The Bank
Farm, £42.80 Clonrae; Blackface £42.80 Arnicle, £41.80
Beechcroft; Hill Cheviot £39.20 Haithwaite.
The 4,678 cast ewes
and rams met a tremendous trade, all classes were very dear with
all buyers keen to purchase. Overall average of £38.15. Top
of £77.50 for Texel ewes from Greenknowe,
others to £75.50 Roadside, £71.50 Muirhead; Charollais £70.50
Newry; Beltex £68.50 Waterside, £67.50 Newry; Suffolk £63.50
Long Strumble; Suffolk cross £62.50 Ballinlass, £60.50
Clate Quoy; North Country Cheviot £59.50 Clate Quoy; Half Bred £57.50
East Mains; Leicester £57.50 Cranshaws and High Airyolland;
Cheviot Mule £56.50 Stackbraes; Greyface £47.50 Ballinlass,
Burnbrae and East Mains, £47 Castle Nook; Masham £44.50
Leadgate. Hill ewes to £51.50 for Cheviots from Tarrasfoot;
Blackface £44.50 Deuchrie, £42.50 Brownhill; Lleyn £46.50
South Bowerhouses, £44.50 Cowcorse; Swaledale £35.50
East Highberries; Herdwick £26.50 Hillside. Rams to £65.50
for Suffolks from Clate Quoy; Texel £64.50 Baltier; Beltex £59.50
Newry and Sibmister; Cheviot £47.50 Clate Quoy; Leicester £44.50
Marygate; Blackface £35.50 Allensgreen.
Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 181.5p (153.4p)
Heavy to 183.5p (162.4p)
Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 149.5p (138.0p)
Heavy to 185.5p (157.5p)
Young Beef Bulls to -------p (-------p)
Light to 152.5p (123.9p)
Standard to 149.4p (131.9p)
Medium to 141.3p (133.2p)
Heavy to 142.8p (127.3p)
O/Weight 137.8p (132.9p)
Light to £51.50 (£23.71)
Heavy to £77.50 (£44.58)
Cast Rams £65.50 (£41.52)