The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward
58 prime cattle, 16 over thirty month cattle, 3,313 prime lambs and
5,285 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday
23rd July, 2009.
Prime cattle were a sharper trade on the week, selling
to a top of 174.5p for a Limousin heifer from J. & N. Blaylock & Son,
Hallburn, others 173.5p, 163.5p Hallburn, 160.5p Brisco Hill; Simmental
161.5p Brydekirk Mains; Charolais 154.5p Brisco Hill, 151.5p Sceughdyke;
Angus 144.5p Westerleigh; Saler 144.5p Townfoot. Bullocks to 173.5p
for Limousin from Hallburn, others 170.5p Dashwell Green, 168.5p
Ladyhousesteads and Hallburn; Charolais 162.5p Hallburn; Angus 160.5p
Smallholms; Devon 157.5p Houghton House; Simmental 156.5p Dashwell
Green; Saler 155.5p Houghton House. Young bulls to 81.5p for a Dexter
from Windyknowe.
The 16 Over Thirty Month cattle sold to a top of
107.5p for a Galloway heifer from Spoutbank; Shorthorn 97.5p Ladyhousesteads;
Blue Grey 91.5p Kilnhill. Limousin cows to 104.5p Guards Farm; Friesian
97.5p Kirtlebank; Galloway 87.5p Spoutbank; Highland 81.5p Churchview;
Angus 60.5p Guards Farm.
larger show of 3,313 prime lambs forward to a full ring of buyers.
The sale averaged 143.7p overall, following the national trend this
week although better thananticipated.
Commercial lambs averaged
142.2p and sold to a top price of £76.80 per head and 192p
per kilo for Beltex’s from T.N. Cavers & Co., Sorbie. Suffolk £67.80
Cardew Hall, £67.20 Whins, Barnglies and Upper Mains; Texel £75, £74.80
Rosehill, £74.80 Wanwood Hill; Bleu d’Maine £69.80
Cleughbraemill; Greyface £59.80 Borthwick Brae, £58.20
Crowhall; Charollais £59.20, £58.80 Wyseby Hill, £56.80
Hallburn; Leicester £57.50 Walton Highrigg; Blackface £55.20
Penpeugh, £52.80 Clonrae; Oxford £53.20 Gallowberry.
475 Light lambs were short of buyers requirements and easily upheld
recent rates to average 156p per kilo. Texel £58.80
Mossband House, £57.80 Haggistone Holm; Suffolk £55.50
Jury Park; Oxford £52.50 Sandholm; Herdwick £47.80 Laalsteins;
Greyface £47.80 Mossband House; Shetland £47.80 Cardewlees;
Jacob £43.80 Woodside Cottage; Soya £39.20 Newingtown.
larger show of 5,285 cast ewes and rams were forward to the usual
ringside of buyers. Heavy ewes were easier on the week with good
selling ewes £5 - £8 dearer. Well fleshed hill ewes upheld
recent rates but with larger numbers of plainer ewes saw them harder
to cash. Top price of £116.50 for Texel rams from Bettyknowes,
others from the same £112.50 and £103.50, £100.50
Sorbie; Suffolk £104.50 Dykerow and Bettyknowes, £101.50
High Dovecote, £100 Winterhope; Leicester £102.50 Dykerow, £90.50
Stackbraes; Wensleydale £87.50 Ty-llwyd; Woodland £79.50
Ty-llwyd; Blackface £60.50 Crowhall; Lleyn £59.50 The
Mark; Jacob £33.50 Hartshaugh Mill Cottage.
Heavy ewes to £112.50
for Suffolks from Pirntaton, others £102.50 Winterhope, £99.50, £96.50
Pirntaton; Texel £108.50 Hamlet Gardens, Hillfield and Tiffinthwaite, £106.50
Tiffinthwaite, £105.50, £104.50 Newry, £102.50
Tiffinthwaite; Leicester £92.50 Pirntaton, £90.50 Stonehall, £87.50
Tappitlane; Half Bred £88.50 Hoddamtown, £68.50 Hallrule
Mill; Rouge £86.50 Newry; Greyface £84.50 Drumberg Road, £73.50
Bettyknowes, £72.50 East Mains and Cranshaws; Cheviot Mule £82.50
Drumberg Road; North Country Cheviot £81.50 Church Road, £76.50
Newry, £72.50 Mossband House; Dorset £76.50 Newry; Beltex £69.50
Winterhope; Zwartbles £62.50 Craigdhu.
Hill ewes to £66.50
for Blackfaces from East Mains, £63.50 Penpeugh, £57.50
Laverhay, £54.50 Cranshaws and Sorbie; Cheviot £62.50
Sorbie, £56.50, £54.50 Stackbraes, £52.50 Maidencoates;
Swaledale £61.50 Laverhay, £47.50, £43.50 Parcelstown, £41.50
Mossband House; Lleyn £59.50, £53.50, £51.50 The
Mark; Jacob £58.50 Woodside Cottage, £56.50 Mossband
House; Herdwick £44.50 Scarlett Hall; Soya £35.50 Kilnknowe.
Light to 129.5p (129.5p)
Medium to 155.5p (155.5p)
Heavy to 173.5p (158.5p)
Light to 151.5p (151.5p)
Medium to 156.5p (143.2p)
Heavy to 174.5p (153.9p)
Young bulls 81.5p ( 81.5p)
Light to 178.0p (153.8p)
Standard to 176.0p (146.7p)
Medium to 192.0p (141.4p)
Heavy to 144.0p (136.1p)
Overweight 129.0p (128.4p)
Light to £66.50
Heavy to £112.50 (£64.30)
Cast Rams £116.50(£80.75)