The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward
38 prime cattle, 4 young bulls, 34 over thirty month cattle, 5,668
prime lambs and 3,779 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at
Longtown on Thursday 5th November, 2009.
Clean cattle were dearer on
the week. Top prices of 174.5p and 172.5p (x2) for Limousin bullocks
from Hallburn, 172.5p Nether Onsett, 171.5p Hallburn; Charolais 172.5p
Hallburn. Limousin heifers 172.5p Hallburn; Blonde 169.5p Brydekirk
Mains; Charolais 167.5p (x2) Hallburn. Young bulls to 139.5p for
Black & Whites
from Harelawhole.
OTM cattle were sharper on the week. Limousin heifers
to 123.5p Newby Farm. Limousin cows 108.5p Swaites, 106.5p Crookholm;
British Blue 106.5p Swaites, 103.5p Standingstonerigg; Blonde 100.5p
Greystoke; Saler 94.5p Greystoke.
smaller show of 5,668 prime lambs saw all classes achieving the dearest
trade of the week to average 154.9p, many more lambs could have been
sold to advantage. Please note lambs are now required to be belly
clipped. Export type lambs regularly 165p to 180p, with Mules regularly
over 150p. The 4,786 lambs over 36 kilos averaged 155.4p. Top price
of 197p per kilo for Texels from Sharplaw Farms and to £83.50
per head for Beltex’s from Messrs Charlton, Whiteside, others £80
Whiteside; Texel £81.50 Walton Woodhead, £78.80 Stanger
Hill, £77.50 Kellah; Suffolk £75.50 Sceughdyke, £75
Ormiston, £73.80 Hartside; Charollais £73.20 Cadgillhead, £70.80
Hartside and Streethead, £69.20 Sceughdyke; Hill Cheviot £67.80
Sorbie, £65.20 Wyliehole; Greyface £66.80 Barnglieshead,
Reaygarth, Spoutbank and Kellah, £66.20 Archerbeck; Lonk £66.20
Bush of Ewes; Half Bred £66.20, £65.20 High Moat; Blackface £65.20
Upperburnmouth and Allensgreen, £63.80 Sorbie, £63.50
Hartside and Westloch; North Country Cheviot £65.20 Kirkland
Green, £64.20 Whiteknowe; Leicester £65 Hartside, £64.80
Byers Farm; Cheviot Mule £63.80 Tarrasfoot; Easycare £61.80
East Fortissat; Roussin £59.20 Greensburn; Hampshire £57.50
Derwent House; Swaledale £55.20 Coldshield, £52.50 Albierigg;
Jacob £50 Beechcroft.
The 882 light lambs averaged 154.1p and
sold to a top of £63.50
for Greyfaces from Blacksmiths Cottage; Suffolk £58.20 Kirkwood
Mains; Texel £58.20 The Side, £56.80 Beechcroft; Hill
Cheviot £54.80 Sorbietrees; Blackface £53.80 Winterhopeburn, £51.80
Beechcroft; Easycare £53.20 East Fortissat; Swaledale £49.80
Smylum, £48.80 Williamston, £46.80 Kirkland Green; Charollais £48.80
Stackbraes; Welsh £47.20 Smylum; Shetland £44.80 Cauldronlea.
smaller show of 3,799 cast ewes and rams were forward to the usual
ringside of buyers. All classes were dearer on the week, especially
heavy ewes which were short of requirements. A fantastic show of
Blackface ewes saw many pens sell between £52 and £62.
ewes to £118.50 for Texels from Woodhousehill, £110.50
Nether Stenries, £106.50 Mossband Hall, £101.50 East
Middle, £100.50 Ellemford; Suffolk £106.50, £103.50
Townfoot, £94.50 Old Wall, £88.50 Marygate; Bleu d’Maine £98.50, £92.50
Clantibuies; Charollais £92.50 Cumcrook, £88.50 Clantibuies;
Leicester £88.50, £86.50 Hartside; Zwartbles £85.50
Woodhousehill; North Country Cheviot £79.50 Clachan, £74.50
Skelfhill; Greyface £78.50 Courstein, £72.50 Broomhill;
Cheviot Mule £78.50 Borthwick Mains, £73.50 Priesthaugh;
Half Bred £76.50 Stackbraes; Dorset £62.50 Vicarage.
ewes to £76.50 and £64.50 for Lonks from Bush of
Ewes; Cheviot £68.50 Stackbraes, £61.50 Oakwood Mill, £59.50
Raeburnfoot and Halidean Mill; Herdwick £64.50 Jury Park, £46.50
Romanway; Blackface £62.50 Smylum and Bush of Ewes; £61.50
Brownleazes; Swaledale £57.50 Lowgreenends, £54.50 Burn
House and Kirkland Green, £53.50 Stonehall; Lleyn £55.50
Kidshielhaugh. Rams to £118.50 for Beltex’s from High
Stenries, £100.50 Stackbraes; Leicester £112.50 Whiteside;
Texel £102.50 Middle Farm, £98.50 Wallend; Suffolk £84.50
Challoch Mun; Zwartbles £83.50 Stanley House; Charollais £78.50
Newbiggin, £76.50 Netherton; Blackface £76.50 Barron
House, £54.50 Whitefield.
Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 164.5p (150.0p)
Heavy to 174.5p (161.9p)
Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 129.5p (129.5p)
Heavy to 172.5p (156.1p)
Young bulls to 139.5p (129.8p)
Light to 167.0p (154.2p)
Standard to 197.0p (160.3p)
Medium to 194.0p (158.4p)
Heavy to 157.0p (141.3p)
Overweight 151.0p (125.0p)
Light to £76.50 (£43.45)
Heavy to £118.50 (£64.45)
Cast Rams to £118.50 (£67.22)