The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward
48 prime cattle, 0 young bulls, 15 over thirty month cattle, 822 prime
lambs, 4,642 prime hoggs and 3,532 cast ewes & rams at their weekly
sale at Longtown on Thursday 3rd June, 2010.
Prime cattle saw trade
sharper on the week with averages for all classes dearer. Top price
of 177.5p and 175.5p for Limousin heifers from J. & N.
Blaylock & Son, Hallburn and purchased by Jewitt Wholesalers
and Border Meats Butchers, Lockerbie. Limousin bullocks to 167.5p
from J.C. & D. Nicholson, The Gill and purchased by W. Kirkup & Sons
Butchers, Longtown. Limousin bullocks £1,214.65 Sceughdyke, £1,084.60
Dashwell Green and Haining House; Charolais £1,124.65 Sceughdyke, £1,026
Dashwell Green. Charolais heifers £1,105.20 Sceughdyke; Limousin £1,017
Hallburn, £982.40 Sceughdyke.
The 15 OTM cattle again met a
fine trade with more Black & Whites
on offer. Top price of 103.5p for a Friesian heifer from Mr E.A.
Dodd, Roanstree. Friesian cows to 95.5p Halltown, 89.5p Roanstree,
87.5p Halltown, 82.5p Evertown; Limousin 89.5p Harelawhill; Blue
Grey 87.5p Laalsteins. Friesian cows £725.80 Halltown, £680.20
The largest show this season of 742 prime lambs levelled
out at 203.3p per kilo, with a top price of £104.80 for Bleu
d’Maine lambs from Louise Brough, Old Rectory. Texel £104, £100
Thorns, £96.20 Cardew Hall; Suffolk £98.50 Croft House, £96.50
Cocklet Hill; Charollais £93.50 Old Rectory, £79.80 Westend;
Ryeland £85.50 Croft House; Jacob £83.50 Zetland; Dorset £77.20
Zetland; Cheviot Mule £73.80 Netherplace.
An exceptional show
of 4,642 prime hoggs for this time of year. Many consignors were
yet again having an end of season tidy up, but good well fleshed
hoggs were regularly selling in the 175p-185p per kilo region. The
overall sale average was 165p per kilo. Top per kilo of 226p for
Texels from Newbigging and to £102.50 per head
for Greyfaces from Wydon Eals and Texels from Newbigging. Other Texels £100.50
Stackbraes, £100 The Bank; Beltex £100 Stackbraes; Leicester £100
Nether Stenries; North Country Cheviot £95.80. £90.50
Sockbridge Hall; Suffolk £95.50, £92.50 Stackbraes, £88.50
Hallrule Mill; Greyface £94.50 Sockbridge Hall; Hill Cheviot £93.50
Lydden Court, £90 Glendearg; Oxford £90, £88.50
Golden Lane; Jacob £90 Kirkland Green; Charollais £88.20
Golden Lane; Blackface £85.50 Laythes, £79.50 Nether
Stenries, £77.50 Sockbridge Hall; Easycare £84.80, £79.80
Golden Lane; Zwartbles £80.50 The Bank, £79.80 Golden
Lane; Lleyn £80.50, £74.80 Sloda Hill; Clun £78.50
Golden Lane; Shetland £74.80 Sockbridge Hall; Swaledale £69.80
Sockbridge Hall, £63.50 Haithwaite; Woodland £54.50 Stackbraes;
Herdwick £53.50 Sockbridge Hall.
The 1,017 lightweight hoggs
sold to £74.50 for Texels from
Newbigging; North Country Cheviot £59.80 Sockbridge Hall; Hill
Cheviot £56.50 Lowfield Cottage and Sloda Hill; Blackface £55.80
Burnbrae; Herdwick £53.80 Sockbridge Hall; Kendal Rough £53.80
Haithwaite; Greyface £50 Newington; Swaledale £49.80
Sockbridge Hall; Shetland £48.80 Sockbridge Hall.
A similar
show of 3,532 cast ewes and rams saw trade slightly sharper on the
week. Heavy ewes were easier to sell with a top price of £140.50
for Leicester ewes from Messrs Lawson, Stubsgill; Suffolk £130.50
Huntington, £127.50 Roadside, £118.50 Severs; Texel £132.50
Thorns, £124.50 Coytre, £120.50 Severs; Beltex £118.50
Tercrosset, £100.50 Stackbraes, £96.50 Aspatria Hall;
Zwartbles £110.50 Mouswald Grange, £88.50 Thorns; Half
Bred £108.50 Huntington, £92.50 Kirkland Green; North
Country Cheviot £100.50 Sockbridge Hall, £96.50 Tofts
of Tain, £94.50 Damside; Charollais £93.50, £91.50
Golden Lane, £88.50 Church Road; Bleu d’Maine £89.50
Stackbraes; Greyface £87.50 Mossburnford, £85.50 Stackbraes, £83.50
Mossburnford; Ryeland £85.50, £75.50 Kirkland Green;
Cheviot Mule £76.50 Woodend; Rouge £76.50 Severs; Dorset £76.50
The Farm; Clun £73.50 Golden Lane. Hill ewes to £80.50
Kellah, £66.50 Barron House, £65.50 Stackbraes; Hill
Cheviot £76.50 Sockbridge Hall, £75.50 Stackbraes, £69.50
Glengolly; Lleyn £75.50 Pilmuir; Swaledale £64.50 Stubsgill, £57.50
High Lovelady Shield; Hebridean £43.50 Bengall. Rams to £136.50
for Texels from Stackbraes, £133.50 Coytre; Charollais £132.50, £118.50
Coytre; Suffolk £130.50 Sockbridge Hall, £126.50 Kirkland
Green; Zwartbles £128.50 Severs; Hill Cheviot £116.50
Oakwood Mill; Dorset £108.50 Severs; North Country Cheviot £89.50
Newbigging, £80 Oakwood Mill; Jacob £80.50 Kirkland Green;
Blackface £64.50 Over Cassock.
Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 144.5p (144.0p)
Heavy to 167.5p (148.3p)
Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 177.5p (176.4p)
Heavy to 173.5p (150.3p)
Young bulls to -------p (-------p)
Light to 185.0p (158.8p)
Standard to 226.0p (162.4p)
Medium to 186.0p (169.9p)
Heavy to 195.0p (163.6p)
Shearlings 181.0p (149.0p)
Light to 213.0p (202.3p)
Standard to 278.0p (202.0p)
Medium to 254.0p (205.1p)
Heavy to 214.0p (196.7p)
Overweight 149.0p (147.0p)
Light to £80.50 (£50.21)
Heavy to £140.50 (£83.73)
Cast Rams to £136.50(£104.20)