The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward
60 prime cattle, 3 young bulls, 15 over thirty month cattle, 1,276
prime lambs, 1,542 prime hoggs and 3,358 cast ewes & rams at their
weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 17th June,
Clean cattle were sharper to a top of 178.5p and 169.5p for Limousin
heifers from Hallburn; Charolais 160.5p (£1,099) Gretna House.
Limousin bullocks to 168.5p The Gill, 167.5p and 164.5p (x2) Dashwellgreen,
166.5p and 165.5p The Gill, 164.5p Hallburn. Charolais bulls to 153.5p
Gretna House; Black & Whites 125.5p Harelawhole.
A smaller show
of OTM cattle sold to 127.5p for Limousin from Brisco Hill; Hereford
97.5p Greenburn; British Blue 97.5p Burnside; Shorthorn 95.5p and
93.5p Minsca. Limousin bullocks to 114.5p High Floweryhirst.
The 1,276 prime lambs were the largest show of the season so far.
Trade was slightly easier on the week with the sale levelling at
171.2p per kilo, however, lambs are still £4 to £5 dearer
on this week last year.
Top price per kilo of 212p for Texels from
Messrs McGimpsey, The Thorns and to £94.50 per head for Texels
from Angus Sutherland, Carran Farm, others £90 Carran, £83.80
Smalmstown; Suffolk £87.80 The Land, £86.20 Sykehead, £82.80
Swainsteads; Oxford £73.20, £68.20 Guards; Charollais £68.20
Hallburn, £59.80 Mossthorn; Lleyn £63.80 The Height;
Greyface £63.20 Broomhills; Bleu d’Maine £60.80
Mossband House.
Another tremendous show of 1,542 prime hoggs saw many
consignors continuing to have an end of season clearout, however
well fleshed hoggs were still in demand leading to a sale average
of 134.5p per kilo. Top price of 166p per kilo for Texels from Gate & West
Farm and to £85.50 per head for Texels from Mr Putt, Branteth,
others £83.80 Borlick, £79.50 Linton House; Greyface £78.50
High Dubwath, £77.50 Minsca, £76.50 Stackbraes; North
Country Cheviot £73.50 Linton House, £72.50 Newington;
Charollais £69.80 Lydden Court; Suffolk £65.50 The Mark
and Crawfordjohn Mill, £62 Coytre; Blackface £63.50 Branteth, £62.50
Smalmstown, £60.50 Sockbridge Hall; Hill Cheviot £60.50
Newington; Jacob £60.50 Branteth; Lleyn £58.80 The Mark;
Swaledale £58.50 Whitton, £56.50 Thornhope; Shetland £57.80
Sockbridge Hall; Beltex £54.50 Stackbraes.
A similar show of
3,358 cast ewes and rams with all classes sharper on the week. Good
meated selling ewes were easy to sell, however fat types were still
hard to cash. Top price on the day was £158.50
for Leicester tups from Messrs Edgar, Whitton, others £146.50
Coytre; North Country Cheviot £143.50 Whitton; Charollais £137.50, £136.50
Coytre; Texel £136.50 Mid Farm, £134.50 Coytre; Suffolk £133.50, £124.50
Coytre; Blue d’Maine £129.50 Graystale; Hill Cheviot £70.50
Graystale; Woodland £69.50 Achnamoine, £66.50 Kilncroft;
Blackface £67.50 Sockbridge Hall, £62.50 Whitton; Jacob £60
The Nook; Swaledale £59.50 Wolfcleugh Cottage and Sockbridge
Heavy ewes to £140.50 for Texels from Coytre, £118.50
Alton and Carran; Suffolk £136.50 Seavers, £126.50 Alton, £124.50
Glenafon; Charollais £118.50 Stackbraes, £102.50 Alton
and Seavers; Bleu d’Maine £108.50 Seavers; Half Bred £100.50
Gate & West, £91.50 Stackbraes; Cheviot Mule £88.50
Whitton, £83.50 Ty Croes; Leicester £86.50 Carrholme
and Aikton Farm; Greyface £82.50 Upper Cullernie and Jacksonrigg, £81.50
Greenend; Oxford £80.50 Snowden Close; Dorset £79.50
Porpeath; Zwartbles £76.50 Stackbraes, £74.50 Thorns;
Beltex £62.50 Tercrosset.
Hill ewes to £82 for Shetlands
from Coytre; Cheviot £72.50 Adyar, £67.50 Branteth and
Whinfield; Swaledale £71.50 Whitton, £70.50 Spital Shields, £68.50
Wolfcleugh Cottage; Blackface £70.50 The Row, £69.50
Branteth, £66.50 Butterdales; Jacob £70.50 Branteth, £51.50
Whinfield; Lleyn £69.50 The Height; Clun £68.50 Sykehead;
Herdwick £46.50 Kilncroft.
Goats to £59.50 Seavers, £58.50
Low Rough Hill.
Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 141.5p (141.5p)
Heavy to 168.5p (155.8p)
Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to -------p (-------p)
Heavy to 178.5p (155.4p)
Young bulls 153.5p (121.7p)
Light to 149.0p (131.1p)
Standard to 164.0p (134.9p)
Medium to 166.0p (137.4p)
Heavy to 164.0p (134.9p)
Shearlings 154.0p (126.3p)
Light to 192.0p (186.3p)
Standard to 212.0p (170.7p)
Medium to 186.0p (171.1p)
Heavy to 205.0p (169.7p)
Overweight 164.0p (159.1p)
Light to £82.00
Heavy to £140.50 (£77.55)
Cast Rams £153.50(£96.84)