The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward
70 prime cattle, 30 over thirty month cattle, 1,541
prime lambs, 737 prime hoggs and 3,632 cast ewes & rams at their
weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 24th June,
Clean cattle saw
light weights sharper. Top price of 191.5p for a British Blue from
J. Retson & son, Gardrum and purchased by Messrs Nattrass,
Butcher. Limousin heifer from Gardrum sold to 188.5p and purchased
by W. Kirkup & Son, Butcher, others 185.5p High Stenries, 182.5p,
179.5p Toppin Castle, 181.5p, 178.5p Dashwellgreen, 176.5p Hallburn
and Dashwellgreen; Blonde d’Aquitaine 183.5p Dashwellgreen.
Limousin bullocks to 180.5p High Stenries to Charles Kirkpatrick,
others 172.5p, 170.5p Dashwellgreen.
OTM cattle again met a fantastic
trade for a great show of ¾ meat
continental cows. Top of 123.5p for a Limousin heifers from Wanwood
Hill who sold others at 115.5p. Limousin cows to 110.5p Ryehill,
108.5p Wanwood Hill; 108.5p, 107.5p, 105.5p Morley Hill, 105.5p Spoutbank,
101.5p Wanwood Hill, 99.5p Morley Hill; Simmental 109.5p Eden Farm;
British Blue 105.5p Wanwood Hill; Friesian 87.5p Halltown and South
Lambhill, 81.5p Halltown. Friesian bull 83.5p Halltown. Limousin
cows to £856.38 Ryehill, £736.13 Minsca; Friesian £682.50
Halltown, £603.75 South Lambhill.
A quality show of 1,541 prime lambs was forward and a full ring
of buyers ensured the dearest trade of the week by far, averaging
out at 180.7p per kilo. The sale was topped at 205p per kilo for
Texels from Newington and to £89.80 per head for Beltex from
Nunscleugh; Texel £87.50 Whins, £86.50 Corriefield; Suffolk £84.20, £83.20
High Wreay, £83.80 Guards Mill, £81.50 Lea Hill and Newbiggin;
Greyface £77.80 Bankhead of Tinwald; Oxford £76.20 Guards;
Charollais £74.80, £73.20 Rottington Hall; Half Bred £72.80
High Moat.
The 155 light weight lambs sold to a top of £71.80
for Texels from Newington, £68.80 High Acres; Suffolk £65.80
Lydden Court; Jacob £59 High Acres; Cheviot Mule £58.80
Clonrae; Charollais £56.20 Tarnside House.
A good show of 737 prime hoggs
were also forward with well fleshed hoggs selling to extreme rates
with an overall average of 136.3p per kilo. Top price of 173p per
kilo for Cheviots from The Laythes and to £72.50 per head for
Texels from Maidencoates and Effgill, £70.50
High End; Greyface £70.50 High End, £67.50 Black House;
Hill Cheviot £68.80, £67.50 Whitchesters; Suffolk £64.50
Maidencoates, £62.50 Ringliggate Cottage; Blackface £65.80, £64.50
Plumpe; North Country Cheviot £64.50 Effgill, £62.50
Lowfield Cottage.
A similar show of 3,632 cast ewes and rams were
forward to the usual ring of buyers. Heavy fat ewes were easier on
the week but good selling ewes and plainer sorts easily upheld recent
high rates. The sale was topped at £128.50 for a Texel tup
from Roachburn, others £125
Coytre; Suffolk £124 Coytre, £123.50 Spittal Hills, £122.50
Newbigging; Charollais £120.50 Newbiggin, £118.50 Coytre;
Lleyn £104.50 High Stenries; Leicester £97.50 Coytre, £92.50
Spittal Hills; Rouge £83.50 Roadside; Bleu d’Maine £79.50
Roadside; Hill Cheviot £72.50 Instack, £66.50 Sorbie;
Blackface £69.50 Longyester and Newbigging, £66.50 Maidencoates;
Swaledale £66.50 Roachburn. Heavy ewes to £124.50 for
Texels from Spittal Hills, others £118.50, £112.50 Severs, £108.50
Colter Coats; Charollais £118.50 Spittal Hills, £104.50
Newbigging; Suffolk £110.50 Spittal Hills and Stackbraes, £107.50
Severs; Rouge £97.50 Severs; Bleu d’Maine £93.50
Road Side; Beltex £92.50 Stackbraes, £80.50 Spittal Hills;
North Country Cheviot £92.50 Upper Dounreay, £90.50 Kirkland
Green; Greyface £83.50 Nunscleugh, £81.50 Longyester, £80.50
Coytre; Half Bred £85.50 Syke Farm, £78.50 High Moat;
Clun £84.50 Croft House, £80.50 Croft House; Leicester £82.50
Stackbraes; Romney Marsh £81.50 Lydden Court; Cheviot Mule £78.50
Winterhope, £75.50, £73.50 Glenafon. Hill ewes to £80.50
for Cheviots from Stackbraes, £78.50 Cowgate, £77.50
Effgill; Kerry £70.50 Haytbwaite Lane; Blackface £68.50
Lonyester, £58.50 Haithwaite; Jacob £66.50 Stackbrae, £56.50
Kirkland Green; Swaledale £62.50 Broomhills, £61.50 Sockbridge
Hall, £60.50 Dumblar Rigg; Kendal Rough £59.50 Haithwaite;
Herdwick £54.50 High Aketon, £47.50 Kirkland Green; Beulah £49.50
Dairy House.
Light to 163.5p (146.7p)
Medium to 161.5p (157.5p)
Heavy to 180.5p (155.2p)
Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 178.5p (154.7p)
Heavy to 191.5p (163.7p)
Young bulls 153.5p (121.7p)
Light to 150.0p (125.6p)
Standard to 173.0p (139.7p)
Medium to 165.0p (137.8p)
Heavy to 142.0p (123.6p)
Shearlings 153.0p (120.3p)
Light to 203.0p (188.0p)
Standard to 205.0p (182.9p)
Medium to 195.0p (179.7p)
Heavy to 198.0p (175.4p)
Overweight -------p (-------p)
Light to £80.50 (£51.84)
Heavy to £124.50 (£78.71)
Cast Rams to £128.50 (£83.14)